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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.08.12.목 Don’t drag your feet 늦장 부리지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 8. 12.

Today is Thursday, the 12th of August.
Well, how can we live a fulfilling life?
Being happy is a feeling which comes as a result of our selected and focused daily actions.

직역: drag one’s feet 발을 질질끌다
의역: 늦장부리다; 꾸물대다; 시간을 질질 끌다

A: 이 세상에 치과가 없었으면 좋겠어
I wish there would be no dental clinics in the world.
I wish there were no dentists in the world.
B: 아들 거기서 뭐하니?
My boy, what are you doing there?
Son, what are you doing there?
늦장 부리지 말고, 지금 치과 예약하렴
Don’t drag your feet, and make an appointment with a dental clinic now.
Don’t drag your feet, and book a dentist appointment now.

A: 대출금 상환repay하는 거 늦장 부리지 않는 게 좋을거야
You’d better not drag your feet to pay back your loan.
You don’t want to drag your feet on repaying your loan
B: 그게 말이지. 난 항상 내 삶을 좀 더 효율적으로 살 방법들을 찾고 있어.
Here is a thing. I’m always looking for ways to live my life more efficiently.
That’s the thing. I’m always looking for ways to live my life more efficiently.
* You don’t want to 너는 ~하는 걸 원하지 않는다
-> ~ 하는 게 좋을거야(완곡한 충고)You don’t want to

[Step by Step]
제발 주문 하는 거 늦장 좀 부리지 마
Please don’t drag your feet on ordering.
Please don’t drag your feet on ordering.

그만 좀 늦장 부리고 숙제 끝내.
Stop dragging your feet, and finish your homework.
Stop dragging your feet, and finish your homework.

여기서 늦장 부리지 말고
Don’t drag your feet here
Don’t drag your feet here
너의 아내가 이 모든 문제를 해결해 줄거라고 기대하지마
and don’t expect your wife to solve all these problems.
and expect your wife to slove all these problems.

정부는 조세 투명성 문제에 대해 여전히 시간을 질질 끌고 있었어
The government was still dragging its feet about the issue of the tax transparency.
The government was still dragging its feet on the issue of ____________.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 이 세상에 학교가 없으면 좋겠어
I wish there were no schools in the world.
B: 아들아, 학교 갈 시간이야. 늦장 부리지 마
Son, it’s time to go to school. Don’t drag your feet.

A: 중요한 결정들은 늦장 부리지 않은 게 좋을 거야.
You don’t want to drag your feet on important decisions.
B: 그게 말이지.

That’s the thing.

난 내 삶을 항상 좀 더 목적성있게 purposefully 살 방법들을 찾고 있어
I’m always looking for ways to live my life more purposefully.


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Don’t drag your feet. 늦장 부리지 마.

