Today is Monday the 30th of August. Let me start telling you a powerful way to improve your English on this Monday. Practice everyday, make yourself study plan, and speak out loud with an English book that you like. very classic indeed? but I’m sure you can do this.

* crack 갈라지게 하다;금이 가게 하다
* crack sbd up (누군가를 얼굴에 금이 가게 할 정도로) 몹시 웃기다; 빵 터지다 A: 난 웃음 참을 수가 없었어.
I couldn’t help but laugh.
I couldn’t keep a straight face.
너 때문에 빵 터졌어.
You cracked me up.
You cracked me up.
B: 그만해.
Stop it.
Stop it.
아무도 내 지퍼가 열렸다고 말해주지 않았어
Nobody told me that my pants were unzipped.
Nobody told me that my fly was undone.
* keep a straight face 정색하다; 웃음을 참다.
A: 그 분을 생각하면 웃음을 멈출 수 없어.
Thinking of him cracks me up.
I can’t stop cracking up, thinking about him.
B: 만부터 거꾸로 세어봐 count backward
Count from 1000 in the reverse way.
Count backward from 10,000.
그렇게 하면 너의 감정이 좀 진정될거야
and your emotion will calm down.
That will calm your emotions.
* count forward 앞에서 부터 세다
[Step by Step]
나는 전에 그에 대해서 들어본 적이 없지만,
I never heard about him before, but
I never heard of him before, but
어젯밤에 그 사람 때문에 빵 터졌어
He cracked me up last night.
He cracked me up last night.
우리 모두 그 광대를 봤을 때, 완전 so hard 빵터졌어
We completely cracked up, when we saw the clown.
We cracked up so hard, when we all saw the clown.
그녀를 볼 때마다, 그녀 때문에 매번 웃음이 터져
She cracks me up every time whenever I see her.
She cracks me up every time I see her.
그들 때문에 항상 all the time 웃음이 터져
They always crack me up.
They crack me up all the time.
설령 내가 기분이 우울해 feel blue도
even if I’m depressed.
______I’m feeling blue.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 난 웃음을 참았어야 했어
I should have kept a straight face.
너 때문에 빵터졌잖아
You cracked me up.
B: 그만해. 아무도 내 지퍼가 열렸다고 말해주지 않았어
Stop it. Nobody told me that my fly was open.
A: 난 웃음을 멈출 수 없어.
I can’t stop cracking up.
감정이 조절이 안돼
I can’t control my feeling.
B: 만부터 거꾸로 세어봐
Count backward from 10,000.
그렇게 하면 마음이 편해질거야.
That’ll help you relax.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You cracked me up! 너 때문에 빵 터졌어!