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21.09.20.월 When I feel I am aging 나이가 든다고 느낄 때 [입트영]

by Namaskara 2021. 9. 20.


2021년 9월 20일(월) 입이 트이는 영어 When I feel I am aging 나이가 든다고 느낄 때

제니퍼: When do you feel that you’re aging? or you have aged?
이현석: I guess when I can’t pull an all-nighter. That’s one thing. I used to be able to stay-up all night and do stuff and function properly next day. But now that’s not even a question I ask myself whether possible or not. I just don’t do it. Because I feel as if it’s not something I should do now. Because now I’m in my mid-40s, just not possible anymore.



21.07.07.수 영국영어 I pulled an all-nighter 나 밤새 일했어

Today is Wednesday, the 7th of July. Well, Today is 소서, the day of minor or less heat. And it marks a true beginning of summer. So here we are to embrace a hot summer. Don't lay back and listen to..


제니퍼: My energy levels have dropped as well. But I still enjoy the late night activities. I don’t know because I tend to go to bed quite late. But when I most often feel that I have aged or when I feel that I’m aging, when I see my parents aging. When I see my little boy growing so fast, it hits me. It makes me think “Wow, it’s not just these people around me #### getting older, I have gotton olders as well.”

[Speaking] Talk about When you feel like you are getting older. 나이든다고 느끼는 경우에 대해서 이야기해주세요

Entering a new decade of my life gave me mixed feelings. 나이의 앞자리가 바뀌고 나니 기분이 묘해졌다.
I’ve only turned 40 years old but I feel ancient.  이제 겨우 40이 되었는데, 굉장히 나이가 많은 것 같다. 
My social responsiblity seems like it has more than doubled, too. 사회적 책임도 두배 이상 무거워진 것 같다. 
I was dismayed to find that I’m not like I was in my 20s, no matter how well I put on make-up or strike a pose.  아무리 화장을 잘하고 포즈를 취해도 20대와는 다르다는 것에 좌절했다
I don’t have the supple skin that I used to, and it has no pep. 피부의 탄력도 예전같지 않고, 생기도 없다.
When I was a 20-something, I didn’t know that youth would be short-lived and brilliant. 20대에는 젊음이 짧고 빛나는 시기였다는 걸 몰랐다.
I am working out, but my body shape is becoming rounder. 운동을 하고 있지만, 체형이 더 둥글해지고 있다. 
I feel sad that I’m turning old like this. 이대로 늙어간다는 것이 슬프다. 
I should learn to love my middle-aged appearance for what it is, but it still feels unfamiliar. 나의 40대의 모습을 있는 그대로 사랑하는 것을 배워야하는데, 여전히 낯설다. 
I would like to become a person who is beautiful both inside and out, as I get older. 나이가 들면서 내면과 외면 모두가 아름다운 사람이 되고 싶다.
Now, I have to aim for a more mature appeal. 지금, 좀 더 성숙한 매력을 추구해야겠다.

both inside and out 내면과 외면
turn old 늙어가다
short-lived 짧게 지나간
pep; 생기;liveliness;energy
supple skin 피부 탄력
dismay 낙담하다;좌절하다;경악하다
strike a pose 포즈를 취하다
turn [나이] 갓 [나이]가 되다
feel ancient 너무 늙은 것 같다(과장)
fixed feeling 만감이 교차한

mixed feelings 만감이 교차한: 생각이 이랬다저랬다
회사를 그만두는 것에 대해서 생각이 이랬다저랬다 한다
I have mixed feelings about retiring the company.
I have mixed feelings about quitting my job.

for what it is 있는 그대로
누군가를 바꾸려 하지 말고 있는 그대로 받아들여야.
Don’t try to change someone and just accept for what it is.
Instead of trying to change someone, accept them for who they are.

both inside and out 내면과 외면 모두
나는 그의 외면과 내면 모두를 사랑한다.
I love him both inside and out.
I love everything about him, both inside and out.


  I feel like I’m getting older, now that I am in my 40s. 40대가 되다보니 나이들어가는 기분이야
B I hear you. Being in my 40s feels unfamiliar to me, too 맞아. 내가 40대라는 게 낯설어.
A Do you think most people around our age feel this way? 우리 나이 또래 사람들이 비슷한 생각을 할까?
B Sure. Everyone does. 물론이지
A My body isn’t what it used to be. 몸도 예전같지 않아.
B I think it’s most important to stay young at heart. 마음을 젊게 유지하는 게 중요한 것 같애

now that~ 다 보니

여전히 심경이 복잡하다면, 아직 결정을 내릴 필요는 없다.
If you still have mixed feelings, you don’t need to decided yet.
If you still have mixed feelings, you don’t have to decided yet.

항상 불평만 하지 말고, 그것을 있는 그대로 받아들이도록 해
Instead of just complaining all the time, accept it for what it is.
Instead of complaining all the time, just accept it for what it is.

우리는 서로의 내면과 외면 모두를 정말 잘 이해하고 있다.
We are understanding everything about our both inside and out.
We really understand each other, both inside and out.

나도 하고 싶지만, 무릎이 예전 같지 않다.
I want to do, but my knees are not what they used to be
I want to do it, but my knees aren’t what they used to be.

우리 할머니는 여전히 마음은 젊으시다.
Our grandmother is still young at heart.
My grandmother is still young at heart.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 입가 트이는 영어 When I feel I am aging 나이가 든다고 느낄 때

