세리나 쌤: Today's piece of information is titled for Interesting Facts About Dogs.
left-handed 왼손잡이, right-handed 오른손잡이
left-pawed 왼발잡이, right-pawed 오른발잡이
너는 왼손잡이니? 아니면 오른손잡이니?
Are you left-handed?, or right-handed?
Are you left-handed?, or right-handed?
여태껏 all this time 내내 난 내가 오른 손잡이라고 생각했어
I thought I was right-handed by now.
All this time I thought I was right-handed.
세상에는 오른손잡이인 사람들이 왼손잡이인 사람보다 더 많다.
There are many right-handed poeple than left-handed ones in the world.
There are more right-handed people than left-handed ones in the world.
four legged 네발 달린
* Our four legged friends 동물친구들
* four legged animals; furry animals 동물들
detect 감지하다 medical 의료의
sweat 땀을 흘리다
세리나: Sweat is not sweet.
paw 동물의 발(바닥) preferred 선호하는
gesture 몸짓 intelligent 지능을 가진
sense of smell 후각
대부분의 동물들은 후각이 좋아
Most animlas have a good sense of smell.
Most anmials have a good sense of smell.
마유는 후각이 예민해
Mayu has a sharp sense of smell.
Mayu has an acute sense of smell.
even [동사] 심지어 [동사]하다
난 심지어 널 알지도 못해
I even don't know you.
I don't even know you.
심지어 3살짜리도 그건 알아
A 3-year-old kid even knows that.
Even a 3-year-old knows that
as [형용사] as [목적어] = [목적어]만큼 [형용사]한
세리나의 자동차는 전투기 만큼 빨라
Serina's car is as fast as a fight jet.
Serina's car is as fast as a fight jet.
마유: Does it fly, too?
세리나: Oh, I wish it could fly.
내 전화기는 벽돌만큼 무거워
My phone is as heavy as a brick.
My phone is as heavy as a brick.
[Five Golden Senteces]
이것은 네발 달린 친구들에 대해 우리가 몰랐던 것중 몇가지 입니다.
These are some of what we didn't know about four legged friends.
There are some of the things we didn't know about four legged friends.
첫번째, 어떤 개들은 후각이 엄청 좋아서 건강문제를 감지할 수도 있습니다.
First, some dogs have such a good sense of smell that they can even detect medical issues.
One, some dogs have such a good sense of smell that they can even detect medical problems.
세리나: One thing I want to say. When I go to Canada, and I met at the airport. There is always a dog who's smelling for illegal things. Canada, they use German shepherd. They are so handsome.
두번째, 개들이 인간처럼 땀을 흘리는 유일한 부분은 발바닥입니다.
Two, the only place that dogs sweat like humans is on their paws.
Two, the only place that dogs sweat like humans is on thier paws.
개들도 꼭 우리처럼 선호하는 손이 있어서, 왼발잡이나 오른발잡이일 수 있습니다.
Three, dogs have a preferred hand so they can be left-pawed or right-pawed just like us.
Three, dogs have a preferred hand so they could be either left or right pawed just like us.
개들은 백개가 넘는 단어와 제스춰를 배울 수 있고, 두살짜리의 지능을 가지고 있습니다.
Four, dogs can learn more than 100 words and gestures, and are as intelligent as a 2-year-old.
Four they can learn over hundred words and gestures, and are as intelligent as a 2-year-old.
내가 오른손잡이인지 왼손잡이인지 잘 모르겠어.
I'm not sure whether I'm right handed or left handed.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 정보 Information: 개에 대한 흥미로운 사실 Interesting Facts About Dogs