2021년 9월 30일(목)
Easy Writing 노래: Back at One by Brian McKnight
When my work is done, I'll start back at one
내 할일을 다하면, 하나에서 다시 시작할 거에요
It is 형용사 that [평서문(상황)] 한 것은 [형용사]하다
우리가 여기 함께 있다는 것이 믿을 수가 없어요
It is unbelieveable that we are together here.
It it unbelieveable that we are here together.
니가 머물 수 없다는 것이 너무 아쉬워 too bad
It's so pity that you can't stay.
It's too bad that you can't stay.
니가 그렇게 말하는 것이 참 아이러니하군.
It's ironic that you say so
It's ironic that you say that.
undesirable 바람직하지 않은
apart 떨어져 있는
undeniable 부인할 수 없는
hopeless 희망이 없는
life line 구명 밧줄
plain 명백한
harm 피해;해 save 구하다
had pp = PP 했었다.
우리가 거기 도착했을 때, 그 적들은 이미 도주한 상태였다.
The enemies had already escaped, when we got there.
The enemies had already fled, when we got there.
나는 내가 그녀를 만날 때까지는 외로운 상태였어
I had been lonely, until I met her.
I had been lonely, until I met her.
In the nick of the time 아슬아슬하게 때를 맞춰
= just in time
우리 그 공항에 아슬아슬하게 때를 맞춰 도착했어
We got to the airport in the nick of the time.
We got to the airport in the nick of the time.
그 구급차는 아슬아슬하게 때를 맞춰 도착했어
The ambulance arrived in the nick of the time.
The ambulance arrived in the nick of the time.
fall in love with [목적어]와 사랑에 빠지다
난 그녀의 시와 사랑에 빠졌어
I fell in love with her poem.
I fell in love with her poem.
세리나: I fell in love with that dress. It was meant for me.
(저 드레스와 사랑에 빠졌어. 나를 위해 만들어진거야)
나는 너와 사랑에 빠질거라는 걸 알고 있었어.
I knew I would fall in love with you.
I knew I would fall in love with you.
[Five Golden Sentences]
우리가 떨어져 있는 것은 바람직하지 않고 우리가 함께 해야하는 것은 부인할 수 없어요.
It's undesirable that we are apart, and undeniable that we have to be together
It's undesirable for us to be apart, and undeniable that we should be together.
모든 게 저절로 해결되는 게 그저 놀라워요.
The way that things solve on their own is just surprising.
The way that things work themselves out is just incredible.
당신은 만나기 전에는 희망이 없었어요.
I had been hopeless before I met you
I'd been hopeless before I met you.
당신이 아슬아슬하게 때 맞춰 구명밧줄을 던져줬죠
You threw a lifeline in the nick of the time
You threw out the lifeline in the nick of the time.
하나, 당신이 내 운명이라는 걸 알게 되는 건 쉬워요.
One, it's plain to know you are the person for me.
One. it's plain to see you are the one for me.
* plain: (꾸밀 필요없이) 명백한 obvious
It's plain to see she likes you.
(그녀가 너 좋아하는 거 너무 뻔하게 보여)
둘, 그래서 난 당신이 나와 사랑에 빠지게 만들 거예요
Two, so I'll make you fall in love with me.
Two, so I'll make you fall in love with me.
셋, 난 당신을 위험에서 구할거예요.
Three, I'll save you from harm.
Three, I'll save you from harm.
그리고 나서 내 할일을 다하면, 하나에서 다시 시작할거예요and then when I complete my work, I'll start again from one.
then when my work is done, I'll start back at one.
그가 그 영화에서 죽지 않는 게 놀라워
It's amazing that he doesn't die in the movie.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 Easy Writing 이지라이팅
When my work is done, I'll start back at one
내 할일을 다하면, 하나에서 다시 시작할 거에요