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21.10.04.월 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 나쁜 남자 버릇 고쳐 주기(1) I've spoiled my boyfriend.

by Namaskara 2022. 10. 4.

2021년 10월 4일 (월) Easy Writing
캐쥬얼 채팅: 나쁜 남자 버릇고쳐주기 I've spoiled my boyfriend.

turn the tables on[목적어]를 상대로 상황을 역전시키다
세리나: There is like an arrow, pointing at you. And you turn it and point at somebody else.
그는 그 상황을 그의 라이벌을 상대로 역전을 시켰어
He turned the tables on his rival.
He turned the tables on his rival.

제니는 남자친구를 상대로 상황을 역전시키더니
Jenny turned the tables on her boyfriend,
Jenny turned the tables on her boyfriend,
그 말다툼을 이겼어
and won the argument.
and won the argument.

그는 항상 상황이 불리할 때, 역전시킬려고 노력을 해
He always tries to turn the tables when the situation is not for him.
He always tries to turn the tables when the situation is unfavorable.

settle 해결하다;합의하다
- The case was settled.
- They settled their argument.
argument 말싸움;논쟁
cheat 바람 피다; (시험)부정행위를 하다
- Don't cheat on the test
- He cheated on his girlfriend.
bug 짜증나게 하다;귀찮게 하다
- stop bugging me

20.09.16.수 영국영어 Stop bugging me! 귀찮게 좀 하지마!

You're listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Wednesday the 16th of September. It's the middle of work week, meaning that one has made it over the hump towards the weekend. One..


according to ~에 의하면
logic 논리
trigger 논리하다;촉발하다
lonely외로움 (*alone 혼자인)
명사 is to blame [명사]의 탓이다. (신중;진지)
내 탓이야
I am to blame.
I am to blame.
넌 누구탓이라고 생각해?
Who do you think is to blame?
Who do you think is to blame?

not the other way around 그 반대가 아니라
그가 널 위해 일하는 거야, 그 반대가 아니라
He works for you, not the other way around.
He works for you, not the other way around.
그들이 너에게 감사해야 해, 그 반대가 아니라
They should appreciate you, not the other way around.
They should thank you, not the other way around.

make [목적어] [형용사]=[목적어]를 [형용사]하게 하다.
이 특별한 도구는 당신의 인생을 훨씬 더 쉽게 만들어 줄 겁니다.
This special tool will make your life much easier.
This special tool will make your life a lot easier.
세리나: It's a remote control. We take it for granted. Can you imagine when they were first invented?
그 시험결과는 날 우울하게 만들었어.
The test results made me depressed.
The test result made me depressed.

[Five Golden Sentences]

그래서 남자 친구랑 크게 말다툼한 건 해결했어?
So, did you settle the big argument with your boyfriend?
So, did you settle the big argument with your boyfriend?

아니. 날 상대로 상황을 역전시키더니, 이제는 내탓이라네
No, he turned the tables on me, and now I am to blame.
No, he turned the tables on me, and now I am the one to blame.

그렇지만, 널 두고 바람핀 건 바로 걔 잖아
But, he is the one that cheated on you,
But, he is the one that cheated on you,
그 반대가 아니라
not the other way around,
not the other way around,

가장 짜증나는 게 뭔지 알아?
Do you know what bugs me most?
Do you know what bugs me the most?
(*회화에서는 "the" 생략 가능)
걔는 그게 왜 잘 못 된 건지도 몰라
He even doesn't know why it is wrong.
He doesn't even know why it is wrong

걔의 멍청한 논리에 따르면,
According to his stupid logic,
According to his stupid logic,
내가 자기를 외롭게 만든거라서 이 모든 걸 초래한 건 바로 나래
I am the one who triggers all of this because I made him lonely
I am the one who triggers all this because I made him lonely

날 다시는 화나게 만들지 마
Don't make me upset again.

출처: EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.rk 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing
캐쥬얼 채팅: 나쁜 남자 버릇고쳐주기 I've spoiled my boyfriend.

