Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Today is Friday the first of October.
Now listeners!. I’m just going to repeat “new”, New month, New beginning, New mindset, New start, New intention, and New results.
오늘 “말을 그럴 듯하게 잘하는 친구에게 쓸 수 있는 말”은?
직역: 그는 항상 말한다/그 이야기를
talk (명.)말하다
(동.)이야기=>상대방이 듣기 좋은(통하는) 이야기
A: 저축 관해서라면 그는 항상 말은 번지르르하게 하지만,
He always talks the talk when it comes to the saving,
When it comes to saving money, he always talks the talk.
실제로 하지는 않아
but actually he doesn’t
but doesn’t walk the walk.
B: 알아. 걔가 돈 좀 빌려달라고 하더라고.
I know he asked me for some money.
I know he asked me to lend him some money.
**walk the walk 걸음을 걷다.
=>말 뿐만 아니라 실제로 행동을 보여주다.
A: 그는 풋내기이지만
He is as green as grass
He is green as grass.
항상 말은 번지르르하게 할 수 있어
but he can always talk the talks.
but he sure can talk the talks.
B: 그래서 그는 끊임없이 텔레비전에 나오잖아.
That’s why he is on telly over and over.
That’s why he is on TV constantly.
[Step by Step]
그는 말을 번지르르하게 너무 잘 하는 것 같애
I think he talks the talk very well.
I reckon he talks the talk so well.
난 법을 어기고, 항상 말을 번지르르하게 하는 사람을 알아
I know someone who violates the law and always talks the talk.
I know the person who breaks the law and always talks the talk.
그녀는 말을 분명히 번지르르하게 할 수 있는데,
She definitely can talk the talks
She can certainly talk the talks
실행하는 건 별개의 문제지.
but practicing is another thing.
but actions are another matter.
그는 항상 말만 번지르르하게 하고
He always talks the talks
He always talks the talks
실제 행동으로 보여주는 법이 없어.
but never walks the walk.
but never walks the walk.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A:투자에 대해서라면
When it comes to investing,
그는 항상 말을 번지르르하게 하지만 실제로 하지는 않아
He always talks the talks but doesn’t walk the walk.
B:알아. 그는 나한테 내 차를 빌려 달라고 하더라고
I know. He asked me to lend him my car.
A: 그는 풋내기이지만
He is as green as grass
항상 말은 번지르르하게 할 수 있어
but he sure can talk the talks.
B: 그래서 그는 끊임없이 텔레비전에 나오잖아.
That’s why he is on telly constantly
** green as grass **
[2021.07.21.Wed] 영국영어 He is green as grass. 그는 풋내기야
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