Hello everyone. Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Weeky review on Saturday 9th of October, and also 한글 day or a Korean Alphabet day.
What a lovely 한글 day! But you’ve got to do what to do. That’s reviewing.
2021.10.04 on Monday
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it. 우리 그건 그때가서 생각하자.
A: 민박들이 다 차면 어쩌죠?
What if the B&Bs are full?
What if all the B&Bs are full?
호텔들도 예약해야 할까요?
Should I book for a hotel room as well?
Should I book a hotel room as well?
B: 돈이 남아 돌아요?
Do you have money to burn?
Do you have money to burn?
우리 그건 그때가서 생각해요
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.
A: 너 취업면접 연습할 시간 있어?
Do you have time to practice for a job interview?
Do you have time to practice for your job interview?
B: 난 걱정 안해
I don’t worry about it.
I don’t worry about it.
그건 그때가서 생각하지 뭐
I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
2021.10.05 on Tuesday
사태가 진정될 때가지 기다릴거야 I’ll let the dust settle.
A: 내 어수선한 방 때문에 엄마가 몹시 화가 났어
Mum is quite upset with my messy room.
Mum is furious because of my untidy room.
사태가 진정될 때까지 기다릴거야
I’ll let the dust settle.
I’ll let the dust settle.
B: 엄마는 심지어 너의 방이 돼지우리 같다고 하셨어
Mum even said your room looked like a pighouse.
She even said your room was like a pigsty.
A: 그래. 우리 모두 내년에 보고
Okay. We all see next year,
Okay. let’s all meet next year,
사태가 좀 진정될 때까지 기다리자
and let’s let the dust settle
and let’s let the dust settle a bit.
B: 그런데 싸움 후에 아내가 행방이 묘연해요
But after the quarrel, my wife is at large.
But my wife is at large after the fight.
2021.10.06 on Wednesday
그게 나한테 딱 필요한거야 That is just the tickete.
A: 나 새로운 여행 가방 샀어. 이거 이쁘지 않니?
I bought a new suitcase. Isn’t it lovely?
I bought a new suitcase. Isn’t this lovely?
B: 그게 나한테 꼭 필요한거야. 나 담주에 영국 가
That’s just the ticket. I’m going to Blighty next week.
That’s just the ticket. I’m going to Blighty next week.
A: 이 피자는 내 기분을 좋아지게 만드는 데 딱 필요한 음식일거야
This pizza will be just the ticket that makes me feel good.
This pizza would be just the ticket to make me feel better.
B: 마음껏 먹어
Help yourself.
Help yourself.
2021.10.07. on Thursday
난 그를 전혀 못 믿겠어 I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him.
A: 그는 진짜 영향력이 있지만,
He really has clout,
He has real clout,
난 그를 전혀 못 믿겠어
but I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him.
but I wouldn’t trust him as far as I can throw him.
B: 진짜로? 많은 사람들이 그 사람때문에 주식 투자를 시작했는데.
Seriously? Many people started investing in stocks because of him
Seriously? Many people started investing because of him.
A: 너 왜 아무말도 안 해? 아직도 화 났어?
Why didn’t you say anything? Are you still angry?
Cat got your tongue? Are you still upset?
B: 난 너를 전혀 못 믿겠어.
I wouldn’t trust you as far as I can throw you.
I don’t trust you as far as I can throw you.
2021.10.08 on Friday
그는 아주 냉정한 사람이야. He is as hard as nails.
A: 나는 모든 것에 무감각해졌어
I became numb to everything.
I became numb to everything.
하지만 그 분이 아주 냉정한 사람이라는 건 잊지 말자
But let’s not forget he is as hard as nails.
But let’s not forget he is as hard as nails.
B: 글쎄, 그분이 냉담하지는 않은 것같은데
Well, I think he is not that cold.
Well, I don’t think he is hard-hearted.
A: 그 분에 대해 아는 거 있어?
Do you know anything about him?
Do you know anything about him?
B: 비밀 누설하지마. 그 분은 친절한 사람인데,
Don’t spill the tea. He is a kind person
Don’t spill the tea. He is a friendly person
일에 있어서는 아주 냉정하기도 해
but he is as hard as nails when it comes to work.
but he is also as hard as nails at work.
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권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review (2021.10.04 ~ 2021.10.08)