Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Today is Wednesday the 10th of November.
Do you love learning English but don't have enough time?
Well, that's not a good excuse.
Speak with me for 20 minutes every single day.
Just prepare your book. Ready! Set! Go!
오늘 친구와 약속잡을 때???

직역: 그것은 (서로 만나기 좋은 약속)날짜야
의역: 그 날로 하자; 그때 봐
A: 나 지금 일하느라 바빠.
I am busy working now.
I am busy working right now.
토요일 어때?
How about Saturday?
How about Saturday?
B: 좋아. 그날로 하자
Good. It's a date.
Sure. It's a date.
A: 오늘 밤에 못 가겠어
I can't go out tonight.
I can't make it tonight.
모레 어때?
How about the day after tomorrow?
How about the day after tomorrow?
B: 그날로 하자. 그런데 더는 미루지 마.
It's a date but don't put it off anymore
It's a date but don't put it off any longer.
** make it (약속 간신히) 시간 맞춰가다; 성공하다
** put off 연기하다;싫어하게 하다;흥미를 잃다;멀리하게 하다
예) put off his girlfriend 여자친구를 멀리하다
[Try it Now]
완벽해. 그날로 하자
Perfect. It's a date.
Sounds perfect. It's a date.
그런데 더는 미루지마
But don't put it off any longer
But don't put if off any longer.
[Step by Step]
미안한데, 다음 주 금요일 어때?
I'm sorry, but how about next Friday?
I'm sorry, but how about next Friday?
좋아 그날로 하자.
Sure. It's a date.
Great. It's a date.
너의 레슨 수요일 오후는 어때?
How about Wednesday afternoon for your lesson?
How about Wednesday afternoon for your lesson?
좋아. 그때 봐
Good. It's a date
Okay. It's a date
월요일에 내 사무실에 잠깐 들러줘
Please come by my office on Monday.
Please come by my office on Monday.
당연하지. 그때 봐Absolutely. It's a date.
Certainly. It's a date.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 나 지금 게임하느라 바빠.
I'm busy playing games right now.
토요일 어때?
How about Saturday?
B: 아주 좋아. 그날로 하자.
Sounds great. It's a date.
A: 오늘은 못 가겠어.
I can't make it today.
모레 어때?
How about the day after tomorrow?
B: 그날로 하자. 근데 더는 미루지 마.
It's a date but please don't put it off any longer.
[어휘 소화 하기]
** make it 간신히 시간맞춰가다 to manage to arrive on time.
예문) I can't make it in 10 minutes. 나 10분 안에는 못 가.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It's date 그 날로 하자.
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