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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.11.11.목 Don’t get cold feet. 주눅 들지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 11. 11.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday the 11th of November.
Happy Thursday!
Well, just think about how many times people say that I love English, I want to learn English.
Now enroll a class, take classes online. Here I am for you to help you speak English.

오늘 친구에게 겁먹지 말라고 할 때?

** get cold feet 차가운 발을 가지다 => 중요한 일이나 계획했던 일을 앞두고 갑자기 겁을 집어먹었을 때 (긴장해서 발이 차갑게 얼어붙은 모습)
** get cold feet = have cold feet

A: 주눅들지 마.
Don’t get cold feet.
Don’t get cold feet.
당신은 나이에 비해 젊어보이니깐.
You look younger than your age is.
You look young for your age.
B: 노력은 하겠는데, 너무 떨리네.
I’ll try but so nervous.
I’ll try but I’ve got butterflies in my stomach.
** have got butterflies in my stomach.
너무 떨리다;엄청 긴장하다;조마조마하다
(막 연애시작했을 때, 따끈따끈한 설레임)

21.03.12.금 I've got butterflies in my stomach. 나 너무 떨려. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 12th of March. Other any questions you didn’t fill in in the book this week. Please go over the missed questions and looks at ex..


A: 주눅들지 마. 넌 잘할거야
Don’t get cold feet. You’ll do it well.
Don’t get cold feet. You are going to do great.
B: 이번에는 어리석은 실수 안 할거야.
I’m not going to make a blunder this time.
I won’t make a blunder this time.

21.08.02.월 He made a blunder. 그는 어리석은 실수를 했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Monday, the 2nd of August. Well, failure is an outstanding learning opportunity. If you find yourself succeeding frequently, it may be a sign that you aren't challenging yourself enough. b..


[Try it Now]
주눅들지 마. 당신은 나이에 비해 멋져 보이니까.
Don’t get cold feet. You look nice for your age.
Don’t get cold feet. You look great for your age.

주눅들지 마. 너는 잘 할거야
Don’t get cold feet. You are going to do great.
Don’t get cold feet. You are going to do well.

[Step by Step]
너를 충분히 totally 이해하는데, 주눅들지 마
I understand you enough, but don’t get cold feet.
I totally understand you, but don’t get cold feet.

그녀는 새 고객을 만나기 전에 항상 주눅이 들어
She always gets cold feet before she meets new customers.
She always gets cold feet before meeting a new client.

그 소식을 들었을 때, 그는 겁을 먹었어
He got cold feet when he heard the news.
He got cold feet when he heard the news.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 주눅들지 마. 당신 나이에 비해 멋져 보이니깐
Don’t get cold feet. You look good for your age.
B: 노력은 하겠는데, 너무 떨리네
I’ll try but I have butterflies in my stomach.

A: 주눅 들지 마. 넌 오늘 잘 할거야.
Don’t get cold feet. You’re going to do great today.
B: 그렇게 어리석은 실수는 안 할거야
I won’t make a blunder like that.

[어휘 소화하기]
have got butterflies in one’s stomach 떨려서 너무 조마조마하다 to feel very nervous and restless
예문) I’ve always got butterflies in my stomach before I go into any interview.
난 면접 보기전에 항상 긴장돼.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Don’t get cold feet. 주눅 들지 마.

