Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Today is Friday the 12th of November.
Well, good things come to people who wait but better things come to those who try and repeat them.
Listeners! You are here at the right place. All you need to do is get them.
목이 잠겼을 때?

** 개굴개굴 ribbit ribbit
** 직역: 목구멍에 개구리를 가지고 있어요 =>(개구리가 목에 있으면 제대로 된 목소리가 안 나옴)
** 의역: 목이 쉬다;목이 잠기다
** 상황: 감기에 걸려서/목을 무리하게 사용해서/감정이 북받쳐서 말이 안 나오는 상황
A: 왜 자꾸 기침을 하세요?
Why are you coughing over and over?
Why do you keep coughing?
듣기가 힘드네요
It's hard to listen.
It is difficult to listen.
B: 목이 쉬었어요. 정말 죄송합니다.
I've got a frog in my throat. Really sorry.
I've got a frog in my throat. So really.
A: 왜 너 아무말도 안해요?
Why don't you say anything?
Cat got your tongue?
우리 모두 기다리고 있습니다.
We all are waiting.
We are all waiting.
B: 목이 쉬어서 목을 좀 가다듬고 있습니다.
I've got a frog in my throat, so I'm arranging it.
I've got a frog in my throat, so I'm just clearing my throat.
** clear one's throat 목을 가다듬다; 헛기침하다
[Try it Now]
목이 쉬었어요. 정말 죄송합니다.
I've got a frog in my throat, Really sorry.
I've got a frog in my throat. Awfully sorry.
아직도 목이 쉬어 있어서. 목을 좀 가다듬고 있었어요
I've still got a frog in my throat, so I was just clearing my throat.
I've still got a frog in my throat, so I'm just clearing my throat.
아마 그는 목이 쉬었나봐.
I think he's probably got a frog in his throat.
Perhaps he's got a frog in his throat.
매우 조용하네.
He is very quiet.
He is very quiet.
너 목이 쉰 것 같애.
I think you've got a frog in you throat.
You seem to have got a frog in your throat.
목 좀 가다듬어 줄 수 있어?
Can you clear your throat?
Can you clear your throat?
목이 쉬어서 죄송합니다.
I'm sorry for having a frog in my throat.
Please excuse the frog in my throat.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 왜 자꾸 나한테 소리를 지르세요.
Why do you keep shouting at me?
듣기가 힘드네요
It is difficult to listen.
B: 목이 쉬었어요
I've got a frog in my throat.
그 점에 대해 정말 죄송합니다.
So sorry about that.
A: 왜 아무말도 안 해요?
Cat got your tongue?
우리 모두가 당신을 기다리고 있어요
We are all waiting for you.
B: 목이 쉰 것 같아서
I think I've got a frog in my throat,
목을 좀 가다듬고 있었어요.
so I'm just clearing my throat.
20.06.25.목 Cat got your tongue? 왜 아무 말도 안해? 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
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출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I've got a frog in my throat. 난 목이 쉬었어.
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