현석쌤: How often do you go to the dentist to get your tooth cleaned?
제니쌤: I try go every 6 month.
현석쌤: 6 month? Is it a regular visit to the dentist?
제니쌤:It is. Yes.
현석쌤: Does your family do that, too?
제니쌤: Yes. My boy goes every 3 month. I go every 6 to 7 month maybe.
현석쌤: Do you use dental floss?
제니쌤: Occasionally
현석쌤: I do, too, but it bleeds off and on. And you have to learn the right way to do it I think.
제니쌤: And I think, plus, the more you plaques less bleeding happens. So it's important to keep your gums and teeth very healthy by, you know, in addition to regular tooth brushing to floss your teeth.
현석쌤: Go meet your dentist as often as you can. That's one thing you should remember.
[Speaking] Talk about Managing Tartar 치석관리에 대해서 이야기 해주세요
혹시 잇몸이 붓거나 피가 나나요? | Do your gums swell up or bleeding? |
그렇다면, 치석때문일 수도 있다. | If so, it might be because of tartar. |
치석은 치아 표면의 치태가 쌓여서 단단하게 굳은 것이다. | Tartar is a build-up of dental plaque on the surface of you teeth that |
치태는 닦지 않고 방치하면 24시간 정도 후에 석회화가 시작된다. | Plaques, if it is left unattended instead of brushed away, begins calcification after about 24 hours. |
치태를 없애기 위해서는 칫솔질을 구석구석 꼼꼼하게 하는 것이 중요하다. | To get rid of plaque, it is important to brush your teeth thoroughly, including all the nooks and crannies. |
또한 치실이나 치간치솔와 같은 구강위생용품을 이용하는 것도 도움이 된다. | It also helps to use additional |
그리고 치과에 가서 정기 검진을 받고 스케일링을 받는 것도 좋다. | You should also visit a dentist's office for regular check-ups where you undergo a dental scaling. |
국민건강보험으로 일년에 한번씩 스케일링을 아주 저렴하게 받을 있다. | You can have it done for next to nothing once a year through the National Health Insurance. |
아직 스켈링을 받지 않았다면, 꼭 받을 것을 권장한다. | If you haven't already, I highly recommend getting your teeth scaled. |
for nothing 무료로 = for free
for next nothing; barely more than nothing.
floss 치실;치실을 하다
You floss your teech.
dental floss
soft 소프트
soften 소픈("t"의 발음이 사라짐)
Soften your muscle 근육을 풀어줘라
gums 잇몸
calcification 치석화
nooks and crannies 구석구석 꼼꼼히
tartar 치석
plaque 치태
plaque builds up and becomes tartar.
brush one's teeth thoroughly 꼼꼼하게 이를 닦다
아들한테 꼼꼼하게 양치하라고 말했다.
I told my son brush his teeth thoroughly.
I told my son to brush his teeth thoroughly.
이를 꼼꼼하게 잘 닦는 것만으로는 충치를 완벽히 예방할 수는 없다.It can't competely prevent cavity just brushing your teeth thoroughly.
Brushing your teeth thoroughly doesn't competely prevent cavity.
for next to nothing 아주 저렴하게
나 이거 중고로 아주 저렴하게 샀어
I bought it used for next to nothing.
I bought it used for next to nothing.
get one's teeth scaled 스켈링 받다
치아 스켈링을 받고 나면 한동안 기분 좀 이상했다.I felt strange for a while after getting my teetch scaled.
It felt weird for a while after I got my teeth scaled.
치아 스케일링을 받으면 약간 통증이 있을 수도 있습니다.It can be painful to get your teeth scaled
Getting your teeth scaled might be painful.
A: My gums bleed whenever I brush my teeth these days. 요즘 양치할 때마다 잇몸에서 피가 나
B: It might be because of a build up of tartar. 치석이 생겨서 그럴거야
A: Really?
B: Yes. When was the last time you went to the dentist's to get your teeth scaled? 스케일 받으러 마지막으로 치과에 간 게 언제야?
A: It has been a while. 좀 됐어
B: You should definitely go. I've got better immediately after a dental scaling. 꼭 가봐야 해. 스케일링 받자마자 바로 좋아졌어.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr입이 트이는 영어 Managing Tartar 치석 관리
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