You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Today is Friday the 3rd of December.
Let me tell you some compliments you can use every day.
You are an incredible human.
You are perfect just way you are.
Well, you use one of these to your friends or family, then they would say you made my day.
직역: 너의 입을 이것(먹을 것) 주위에 가져와라
의역: 이것 좀 먹어 봐.
A: 이것 좀 먹어 봐.
Get your laughing gear around this.
Get your laughing gear around this.
내가 이거 맨 처음부터 만들었어.
I made it from scratch.
I made this from scratch.
B: 좋아. 그런데 나만 불편한가?
Good. but am I the only one who feels uncomfortable?
Great, but am I the only one who is uncomfortable?
A: 이 영국식 아침 좀 먹어 봐
Get your laughing gear around this English breakfast.
Get your laughing gear around this full English.
B: 그걸 먹는다고? 절대 안 돼.
Eating that? Over my dead body!
Eating that? Not on your life.
전통적인 영국식 아침식사는 807 calories 잖아.The traditional English Breakfast is 807 Kcal.
A traditional English Breakfast contains 807 calories.
** not on your life 너의 생명이 있는 한 안된다 => 너가 살아 있는 한 안 된다.
(아주 강한 부정/거절의 표현)
[Try it Now]
이것 좀 먹어 봐.
Get your laughing gear around this.
Get your laughing gear around this.
내가 이거 어제 만들었어.
I made this yesterday.
I made this yesterday.
이 전통 음식 좀 먹어봐.
Get your laughing gear around this traditional dish.
Get your laughing gear around this traditional dish.
[Step by Step]
여기 와서,
Come over,
Come here,
이 샌드위치 좀 먹어 봐
and get your laughing gear around this sandwich.
and get your laughing gear around this sandwich.
이 훌륭한 피자 좀 먹어 봐.
Get your laughing gear around this fantastic pizza
Get your laughing gear around this excellent pizza
만약 배가 고프면,
if you are hungry.
if you are hungry.
이 맛있는 피쉬 앱 칩스 좀 먹어 봐.
Get your laughing gear around this savory fish and chips.
Get your laughing gear around this lovely fish and chips.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 이것 좀 먹어봐.
Get your laughing gear around this.
내가 이거 집에서 만들었어.
I made this from home.
B: 좋아. 그런데 나만 먹는건가?
Geat, but and I the only one who is eating?
A: 이 아침밥 좀 먹어 봐.
Get your laughing gear around this breakfast.
B: 그걸 먹는다고? 절대 안돼.
Eating that? Never ever.
전통적인 영국식은 807 칼로리잖아.
A traditional English breakfast contains 807 calories.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Get your laughing gear around this. 이것 좀 먹어 봐.
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