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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

22.01.20.목 What time did you clock in this morning? 오늘 아침 몇 시에 출근했어? 권주현의 진짜 영국

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 20.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS raio,
Today is Thursday the 20th of Junuary.
Well, learning a new language helps you see things from a different perspective or get a deep understanding of another culture.

** clock (동)시간을 기록하다
** clock in 들어오는 시간(출근시간)을 기록하다
** clock out 퇴근시간을 기록하다
** 미국식=> punch in 출근하다, punch out 퇴근하다

A: 오늘 아침 몇시에 출근했어?
What time did you clock in this morning?
What time did you clock in this morning?
과장님이 널 찾고 있었어.
The boss was looking for you.
The manager was looking for you.
B: 일찍 오긴 했는데, 일이 좀 생겼어.
I have been here early,
I came to work early,
일이 좀 생겼어.
but something happened to me.
but something came up.
** come up 생기다; 발생하다

A: 아, 너 여기 있었구나.
Oh, you’ve been here.
Oh, here you are.
오늘 아침 몇시에 출근했어?
What time did you clock in this morning?
What time did you clock in this morning?
B: 실은, 밤새도록 일했어.
Actually, I pulled an all-nighter.
In fact, I burnt the midnight oil.
** 자정 기름을 태우다 => 밤을 새우다 => 일/공부를 하느라 불을 밝히다

20.06.10.수 I burnt the midnight oil. 나 밤새도록 일했어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the 10th of June. Happy hump day! Wednesday is the middle of the workweek, meaning that one has made it “over the hump..


[Try It Now]
오늘 아침 몇시에 출근했어?
What time did you clock in this morning?
What time did you clock in this morning?
낯선 사람이 널 찾고 있었어.
A stranger was looking for you.
A stranger was looking for you.

[Step by Step]
나는 오전 7시까지 출근하고 오후 6시에 퇴근해야 해.
I have to clock in by 7 am and clock out at 6 pm.
I’ve got to clock in by 7 am and clock out at 6 pm.

그는 또 늦게 출근해서 혼났어.
He clocked in late again and be chewed out.
He clocked in late again and get chewed out.
** chew out 야단 치다
** get chewed out 야단 맞다

21.09.06.월 His mum really chewed him out for that. 걔네 엄마가 그거 때문에 걔를 호되게 야단치셨어. 권주

Today is Monday the 6th of September. I think English is a fun language to learn. Then how can we learn English quickly? If it's in English, read it, read it out loudly. Why? Because while reading,..


난 저녁 6시에 퇴근하지 않을거야.
I’m not going to clock out at 6 pm.
I’m not going to clock out at 6 pm.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 오늘 아침 몇시에 출근했어?
What time did you clock in this morning?
과장님이 그 서류를 찾고 있었어
The manager was looking for the documents.
B: 일찍 오긴 했는데, 급한 일이 좀 생겼어.
I came to work early but something urgent came up.

A: 그래서 너 여기 있었구나.
So, here you are.
오늘 아침 몇시에 출근했어?
What time did you clock in this morning?
B: 실은 그걸 끝내려고 밥새도록 일했어요.
In fact, I burnt the midnight oil to finish it.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 What time did you clock in this morning? 오늘 아침 몇 시에 출근했어?

