Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Weekly Review on Saturday the 22nd of January.
It’s the 4th week of January and a lovely day to relax.
Yes, it is important, indeed.
You’re speaking with me today and you’ll realize you’re actually speaking with me.
Speaking expression you’ve learnt this week.

2022.01.17.월 by the looks of it, 보아하니,
A: 보아하니, 고양이들이 올림픽에 출전 안 할 것 같아요.
By the looks of it, the cats will not join the olympics.
By the looks of it, the cats will not join the olympics.
B: 아쉽네요. 많은 사람들이 고대하고 있었는데.
It’s a pity. Many people are looking forward to it.
It’s a pity. Loads of people were looking forward to it.
A: 보아하니, 또 다른 전쟁이 있을 겁니다.
By the looks of it, there will be another war.
By the looks of it, there is going to be another war.
B: 맙소사! 물과 다른 것들을 사기 시작해야겠네.
Crikey! I need to start buying water and others.
Crikey! I should start buying water and other things.
20.06.12.금 Crikey! 헉! 이런! (놀람의 감탄사) 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 12th of June. Learning English through radio is one of the most effective tools to improve your listening skills. Make..
2022.01.18.화 Why are you telling me this? 안물어봤는데,
A: 많은 사람들이 센트럴파크에서 원앙과 사진을 찍기 위해서 줄을 서 있어.
Loads of poeple are queuing to take pictures with mandarin ducks in Central Park.
Many people are queuing to take pictures with the mandarin duck in Central Park.
B: 안 물어봤는데.
Why are you telling me this?
Why are you telling me this?
난 전혀 관심없어.
I’m not interested at all.
I’m not interested at all.
A: 지난 주에 진짜 재미있었어. BTS 콘서트에 갔어.
I had a blast last week. I went to a BTS concert.
I had a blast last week. I went to BTS concert.
B: 안 물어봤는데.
Why are you telling me this?
Why are you telling me this?
난 BTS가 뭘 의미하는지도 몰라.
I even don’t know what BTS means.
I don’t even know what BTS stands for.
20.11.30.월 I had a blast! 진짜 재미있었어! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio! Today is Monday the 30th of November, the last day of November. You've got to know that by ending my current month right, I start my next month off r..
2022.01.19.수 I’m all fingers and thumbs. 난 손재주가 없어.
A: 우린 대량의 음식을 만들거야.
We’re going to cook up a storm.
We’re going to cook up a storm.
넌 준비 됐지?
Are you ready for cooking?
Are you ready?
B: 이런 말씀 드리기 그렇지만, 전 손재주가 없어요.
I hate to break it to you, but I’m all fingers and thumbs.
I hate to break it to you, but I’m all fingers and thumbs.
A: 그녀는 ( ) 절대 외과의가 될 수 없을거야.
She’ll never be able to be a surgeon
I reckon she could never be a surgeon
(손재주가 없어서)
because she is all fingers and thumbs.
because she is all fingers and thumbs.
B: 너나 잘 해.
Just mind your own business.
21.12.28.화 Just mind your own business. 너나 잘해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Today is Tuesday the 28th of December. Listeners! Better late than never. It is better to do something late than not do it at all. Do it right now, things that yo..
2022.01.20.목 What time did you clock in this morning? 오늘 아침 몇시에 출근했어.
A: 오늘 아침 너 몇시에 출근했니?
What time did you clock in this morning?
What time did you clock in this morning?
과장님이 너를 찾고 계셨어.
The manager was looking for you.
The manager was looking for you.
B: 일찍 오긴 했는데, 일이 좀 생겼어.
I came to work early, but something came up to me.
I came to work early, but something came up.
** come up 발생하다; 일어나다
A: 오늘 몇시에 출근했나?
What time did you clock in today?
What time did you clock in today?
B: 아마 오전 10시 쯤요.
It would probably be about at 10 am.
Around 10 am, I guess.
제가 큰 실수를 저지른 것 같아요.
I think I dropped a clanger.
I think I dropped a clanger.
** clanger 큰 실수; 명백한 실수
21.02.05.금 He dropped a clanger. 그는 큰 실수를 저질렀어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Hello Everybody! Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Thanks for tunning into the Authentic British English hosted by Juhyun Kwon on EBS Radio. Today is Friday, the 5th of February. Listeners! Free s..
2022.01.21.금 Can I pick your brain? 너의 조언을 좀 구할 수 있을까?
A: 너의 조언 좀 구할 수 있을까?
Can I pick your brain?
Can I pick your brain?
한국의 아재룩 너 어떻게 생각하니?
What do you think about Korean 아재 look?
What do you think about the Korean 아재 look?
B: 그건 가장 진정한 길거리 패션이야.
It’s the most genuine street fashion.
That’s the most genuine street fashion.
큰 돈을 벌게 될거야.
You’ll make loads of money.
You’ll make a killing.
** make a killing 갑자기 큰 돈 벌다; 대박나다.
A: 조언 좀 구할 수 있을까요?
Can I pick your brain?
Can I pick your brain?
제가 대학원에 가야할까요? 직장에 가야할까요?
Should I go to the graduate school or get a job?
Should I go to graduate school or get a job?
B: 그냥 세계 여행을 하렴.
Just travel around the world.
Just travel all around the world.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Weekly Review 2022.01.17 ~ 2022.01.21