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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

22.01.24.월 I can’t make it tonight. 오늘 밤에 못 가겠어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2023. 1. 24.

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 24th of January.
If we have decided to do something, start something.
You’ve got to start on Monday. Start off the week.
I’m going to be on a diet. I’m going to learn a new expression.
Then, today is the right day to start it.

오늘 친구와 약속을 깨야할 때?

** make it (어떤 곳에 간신히) 시간 맞춰가다; 성공하다; (모임/행사 등에) 참석하다

A: 친구야, 파티에 올 수 있어?
Mate, can you come to the party?
Mate, can you come to the party?
음료와 팝콘이 무료로 제공될거야.
Drinks and pop corn will be served for free.
There will be free beverages and pop corn.
B: 미안해. 오늘 밤엔 못가겠어.
Sorry, I can’t make it tonight.
Sorry, I can’t make it tonight.
그냥 집에서 편히 쉴거야.
I’m just pulling up my feet at home.
I’m just going to chill out at home.

** chill out 긴장을 풀다; 편히 쉬다.

A: 오늘 못 가겠어,
I can’t make it today.
I can’t make it today.
회의에 정말 참석하고 싶었는데,
I really wanted to attend the meeting,
I really wanted to attend the meeting.
일이 생겼어.
but something happened.
but something came up.
B: 걱정 안 해도 돼. 연기됐어.
You needn’t worry. It’s postponed.
You needn’t worry. It was put on ice.

** come up 발생하다; 신학기를 맞거나 신입생으로 옥스포드나 캠브리지 대학에 들어가다.

[Try it Now]
미안해. 오늘밤은 못 가겠어.
Sorry, I can’t make it tonight.
그냥 호텔에서 편히 쉴꺼야.
I’m just going to chill out at a hotel.

오늘 못 가겠어.
I can’t make it today.
너의 집들이에 정말 참석하고 싶었는데,
I really wanted to attend your house warming party
일이 생겼어.
but something came up.

[Step by Step]
금요일에 못 가겠어.
I can’t make it on Friday.
I can’t make it on Friday.
이해 좀 해 줘.
Please understand me.
Please understand.

결국 그는 영국에 도착했어.
Eventually he arrived in England.
He did make it Britain after all.

결혼식에 못 가겠어.
I can’t make it to the wedding.
I can’t make it to the wedding.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 친구야, 모임에 올 수 있어?
Mate, can you come to the gathering meeting?
음료와 팝콘이 무료로 제공될거야.
There will be free beverages and pop corn.
B: 미안해. 오늘 밤에 못 가겠어.
Sorry, but I can’t make it tonight.
그냥 까페에서 편히 쉴께.
I’m just going to chill out at a cafe.

A: 오늘 못 가겠어.
I can’t make it today.
너의 졸업식에 정말 참석하고 싶었는데,
I really wanted to attend your graduation ceremony,
일이 생겼어.
but something came up.
B: 사과 안해도 돼. 연기됐어.
You needn’t apologise. It was put on ice.

put something ice 연기하다; 보류하다; to delay doing anything about a plan or an idea.
예) Plans have been put on ice. 계획들이 연기되었어.

20.12.07.월 It was put on ice. 그것은 연기되었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 7th of December. There are a couple of great ways to make your Monday morning better. Get up earlier. If you really want to chang..


출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I can’t make it tonight. 오늘 밤에 못 가겠어.

