get out of [명사]에서 나가다.
1) (물리적으로 장소)에서 나가다
2) (상황에서) 벗어나다. You’re gonna get out of the slump.
내 방에서 나가.
Get out of my room.
Get out of my room.
그가 그 차에서 나간 그 순간에 폭발했다.
The moment he got out of the car, it exploded
The minute he out of the car, it exploded.
어떻게 우리가 이 상황에서 벗어날 수 있죠?
How can we get out of this situation?
How are we supposed to get out of this situation?
baby 아기
watch 지켜보다 (집중하면서 보다)
I’m watching you.
She’s watching my kids.
grow 자라다; 기르다
moment 순간
save 구하다
that night 그 날밤에 (부사)
promise 약속하다; 약속
give up 포기하다
say one’s good-byes 작별인사를 하다.
(say good-bye 단수도 가능)
당신의 추억에 작별인사를 하세요.
Say your good-byes to your memories.
Say your good-byes to your memories.
그녀는 작별인사를 했어. 그리고 떠났어.
She said her good-byes and left.
She said her good-byes and left.
the past/last [기간] 지난 [기간]
여러분 모두와의 지난 6개월은 내 인생에 가장 행복한 순간이었어요.
The past 6 months with you guys was the happiest moment in my life.
The past 6 months with you all were the happies moments of my life.
Tod는 지난 30년간 싱글이었어.
Tod has been single for the past 30 years.
Tod has been single for the past 30 years.
let go of [명사]를 놓다.
** (물리적으로) 놓다
나를 가게 놔.
Let go of me.
Let go of me.
그 밧줄을 절대 놓지 마세요.
Never let go of the rope.
Never let go of the rope.
[Five Golden Sentences]
작별인사 하지마, 로즈.
Don’t say your good-byes, Rose.
Don’t say your good-byes, Rose.
당신은 여기에서 나가게 될거야.
You’re getting out of here.
You’re going to get out of this.
당신은 아기들을 낳고
You’re going to make babies
You’re going to make babies
그 아이들이 자라는 걸 보게 될거야.
and watching them grow.
and watching them grow.
날 두고 죽을 순 없어. 오늘 밤에는 안 돼.
You can’t die on me. Not tonight.
You can’t die on me. Not tonight.
사랑해, 잭.
I love you, Jack.
I love you, Jack.
당신과의 지난 며칠은
The past several days with you
The past few days with you
내 인생에서 가장 행복한 순간이었어.
were the happiest moments of my life.
were the happiest moments of my life.
당신이 그 날 밤 날 구하지 않았더라면,
If you hadn’t saved me that night,
If you hadn’t saved me that night,
행복할 수 있다는 걸 알지 못하고 죽었을 거야.
I would have died without knowing that I could be happy.
I would have died without knowing that I could be happy, either.
절대 포기하지 않겠다고 약속해.
Promise me you’ll never give up.
Promise me you’ll never give up.
그리고 그 약속을 절대 져버리지 마.
And never let go of the promise.
And never let go of that promise.
누군가 그 택시에서 내렸어.
Someone got out of the taxi.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 대사: Titanic (2) Never let go of that promise
2021 EBS 이지 라이팅
22.02.11.금 Easy Writing 대사: Titanic (2) Never let go of that promise. 절대 그 약속을 져