seem to have [PP] 한 것 같다; pp한 것처럼 보인다.
*seem:(100% 확신하지 않고 겉으로 그렇게) 보이다
너 몸무게가 많이 빠진 것처럼 보이는데,
You seem to have lost weight.
You seem to have lost a lot of weight.
그녀는 너에게 관심을 잃어버린 것처럼 보여.
She seems to have lost interest in you.
She seems to have lost interest in you.
세린쌤: That’s because you gave her a cheesy pickup line. 너가 그녀에게 유치한 구애 대사를 건내서
그들은 너에 대해서 포기한 것같이 보여.
They seem to have given up on you.
They seem to have given up on you.
oven 오븐
hot 뜨거운; 매력적인
(여성들은 beautiful; gorgeous 더 선호)
instead 대신에
parking ticket 주차 위반 딱지
세린쌤: I’ve got a parking ticket today.
fine 매력적인 (hot과 비슷한 의미)
fine material 고운 재료
written 쓰여있는
diarrhea 설사
favor 호의
** Can you do me a fovor? 부탁 좀 들어줄래?
come out of [명사]에서 나오다 <-> come into
그 마술사는 그 상자에서 나왔어.
The magician came out of the box.
The magician came out of the box.
아무것도 내 입에서 나오지 않았어.(나 아무말 안 했어.)
Nothing came out of my mouth.
Nothing came out of my mouth.
all over [명사] 여기저기에
그는 나라 여기저기를 돌아다녔어.
He went around all over the country.
He travelled all over the country.
내 개는 카펫 여기저기에 쉬를 했어.
My dog peed all over the carpet.
My dog peed all over the carpet.
hold in it (생리적인 현상을) 참다
나 더 오래는 못 참아.
I can’t hold in it any longer.
I can’t hold in it any longer.
난 그걸 참으려고 노력했어. 하지만 그냥 나왔어.
I tried to hold in it. But it just came out.
I tried to hold in it. But it just came out.
[Five Romantic or Cheesy Sentences]
오븐에서 방금 나오셨어요? 너무 핫하셨어요.
Did you just come out of an oven? because you’re so hot.
Did you just come out of the oven? because you’re too hot.
제 전화번호 잃어버린 것같은데,
I seem to have lost my phone number.
I seem to have lost my phone number.
대신에 그 쪽 번호 좀 가질 수 있을까요?
Can I get yours instead?
Can I have your instead?
혹시 주차위반 딱지세요?
Are you a parking ticket?
Are you a parking ticket?
몸 여기저기에 fine이라고 쓰여있어서요.
because you have a fine all over your body.
because you’ve got fine written all over you.
** fine 벌금
당신은 향한 제 사랑은 마치 설사같죠. 그냥 참을 수가 없어요.
My love toward you is like a diarrhea. I just can’t hold in it.
My love for you is like a diarrhea. I just can’t hold in it.
마치 그 드레스에 당신이 호의를 베풀 듯이 그것을 입고 있군요.
You’re wearing that dress like you’re favoring it.
You’re wearing that dress like you’re doing it a favor.
나 방금 샤워하고 나왔어.
I just came out of show.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 로맨틱하거나 느끼하거나 Romantic or Cheesy?