Welcomd to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS.
Today is Wednesday the 16th of February.
Happy hump!
Listeners! you make another great achievement that is learning a brand-new expression.
집에만 있는 친구에게?

A: 집돌이처럼 굴지 마.
Don’t be such a homebody.
Don’t be such a homebody.
밖에 나가서 바람 좀 쐬지 마.
Let’s go out and get some fresh air.
Let’s go outside and get some fresh air.
B: 그렇게 못 해.
No, I can’t.
No, I can’t.
나 갑자기 내성적인 사람이 되었어.
I’ve suddenly become a introctive person.
I sudeenly became a shrinking violet.
** shrink 움츠리다
** violet 제비꽃
** shrinking violet 꽃잎을 잎사귀로 감추는 모습 => 내성적인 사람; 수줍어 하는 모습
A: 집돌이처럼 굴지 마.
Don’t be such a homebody.
Don’t be such a homebody.
나가서 돈 좀 써.
Go out and spend some money.
Go out and spend money.
B: 넌 돈이 남아돌지.
Money doesn’t grow on tree.
You’ve got money to burn.
그게 너의 문제야
That’s your problem.
That’s your problem
[Try it Now]
집돌이처럼 굴지 마. 밖에 나가서 좀 쉬자.
Don’t be such a homebody.
밖에 나가서 좀 쉬자.
Let’s go outside and take some rest.
집돌이처럼 굴지 마.
Don’t be such a homebody.
나가서 너의 삶을 즐겨.
Go out and enjoy your life.
[Step by Step]
나는 파티를 싫어하고 혼자사는 것을 좋아하는 집돌이야.
I’m a homebody who doesn’t like a party and likes to live alone.
I’m a homebody who hates parties and likes to live alone.
우리 아버지는 집돌이셔서
My father is a homebody
My father is a homebody
난 어렸을 때, 해외에 나간 적이 없어.
so I haven’t been overseas with my family when I was young.
so I never went abroad with my family when I was younger.
우리는 둘 다 집돌이야.
We are all homebodies.
We are both homebodies.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 집돌이처럼 굴지 마.
Don’t be such a hombody.
밖에 나가서 햇빛 좀 쐬자.
Let’s go outside and get some sunshine.
B: 그렇게 못해.
No, I can’t.
나 갑자기 소심한 학생이 되었어.
I suddenly became a timid student.
A: 집돌이처럼 굴지 마.
Don’t be such a homebody.
나가서 너의 시간을 보내.
Go out and spend your time.
B: 넌 돈이 남아돌지.
You’ve got money to burn.
그게 핵심이지.
That’s the key point.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Don’t be such a homebody. 집돌이처럼 굴지 마.
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