Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS
Today is Friday the 18th of February.
If you want to know how to speak English learn by listening, not by reading.
By listening more, you’ll be able to learn more vocabulary, useful grammar even without realising that.
나를 누군가가 마구 비판할 때?

** judge 판사; 판단하다
** judgemental 남의 대해 비판을 잘 하는(형용사)
** judgemental about [비판/판단의 대상]
A: 다른 사람들을 함부로 판다하고 경시하지 마.
Don’t be judgemental about others.
Don’t be judgemental and look down on others.
B: 그건 오해야.
That’s not true.
It’s not what it looks like.
난 시력이 나빠.
I have bad eyesight.
I have bad eyesight.
** look down 아래로 내려보다
** look down on => 깔보다;무시하다; 경시하다
** look up to 우러러보다 => 존경하다
A: 대부분의 남자들이 갓을 쓰고 있어.
Most men wear 갓.
Most of the men are wearing 갓.
그건 유행이 지났어.
It’s outdated.
That’s out of fashion.
B: 함부로 판단하지마. 그게 최신 유행이야.
Don’t be judgemental. That’s the latest trend.
Don’t be judgemental. That’s the latest trend.
** at the latest 아무리 늦어도
** 갓: A Korean traditional hat worn by men along with 한복
[Try it Now]
젊은이들을 함부로 판단하고 경시하지 마.
Don’t be judgemental and look down on youth.
Don’t be judgemental and look down on young people.
함부로 판단하지 마. 그게 최신 뉴스야.
Don’t be judgemental. That’s the lastest news.
[Step by Step]
사람들에 대해 함부로 판단해서는 안 돼.
You should not be judgemental about people.
나는 덜 비판적이려고 노력하고 있지만
I’m trying to be less judgemental,
그것은 인간의 본성인 것 같아.
but it seems to be human instinct.
but I reckon it’s human nature.
너무 비판적이지 않도록 노력해야 해.
We should try not to be too judgemental.
You must try not to be so judgemental.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 이웃들을 함부로 판단하고 경시하지 마.
Don’t be judgemental and look down on neighbours.
B: 그건 오해야. 난 기억력이 안 좋아.
It’s not what it looks like. I have bad memories.
21.10.19.화 It’s not what it looks like. 그건 오해야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Today is Tuesday. the 19th of October. Well, Listeners! Try hard every day. Then you’d know what will happen to you. I’ll tell you what. You’ll be a master one..
A: 대부분의 남자들이 갓을 쓰고 있어.
Most of the men are wearing 갓.
그건 구식이야.
That is out of date.
B: 함부로 판단하지 마. 그건 최신 유행 모자야.
Don’t be judgemental. That’s the lastest trendy hat.
EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Don’t be judgemental. 함부로 판단하지 마.
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