Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Thursday the 17th of February.
In the UK, we say lift and in the us it’s elevator.
British people say fringe, but in America they say bangs.
어떤 것을 과감히 뛰어들었을 때?

** plunge 급락; 낙하; 급락하다
** take the plunge (다이빙 대에서 다이빙을 할까말까 망설이다가 과감하게 뛰어내리는 장면을 연상해서) 과감히 시도하다
A: 맙소사! 지금 뭐하고 있어?
Crikey! What are you doing now?
Crieky! What are you up to now?
음식 준비 다 됐어.
Food is all ready.
Grub’s up.
B: 난 과감히 시도하기로 결심했어.
I decided to take the plunge.
I decided to take the plunge.
그래서 타조알을 샀지
So I bought ___________.
So I bought an ostrich egg.
** grub 곤충의 유충; 음식
A: 너 런던에 집 샀다는 거 사실이야?
Is it true that you bought a house in London?
Is it true that you bought a house in London?
B: 어떻게 알았지?
What gave that away?
난 과감히 시도하기로 결심했어.
I decided to take the plunge.
I decided to take the plunge.
** give sth/sbd away 비밀을 누설하다
[Try it Now]
난 과감히 시도하기로 결심했어.
I decided to take the plunge.
그래서 공룡알을 샀지.
So I bought a dinosaur egg.
어떻게 알았지?
What gave that away?
난 과감히 시도해야만 했어.
I had to take the plunge.
[Step by Step]
그들은 수영을 잘하지 못 하지만,
They are not good at swimming
They are not good at swimming
과감히 시도하고 있어.
but they are taking the plunge.
but they are taking the plunge.
난 마침내 과감히 시도했고,
I finally took the plunge
I finally took the plunge
대학과정에 등록했어.
and enrolled in the undergraduate coursework.
and enrolled in university course.
그는 과감히 뛰어들어 자기 사업을 시작했어.
He took the plunge and started his own business.
He took the plunge and set up his own business.
A: 맙소사! 여기서 뭐하고 있어?
Crikey! What are you up to here?
음식 준비 다됐어.
Grub’s up.
B: 난 과감히 시도하기로 결심했어.
I decided to take the plunge.
그래서 오토바이를 샀지.
So I bought a motorbike bike.
A: 너 뉴욕에 집 샀다는 거 사실이야?
Is it true that you bought a house in New York?
B: 어떻게 알았지?
What gave that away?
난 결국 과감히 시도하기로 결심했어.
I eventually decided to take the plunge.
** give something away 비밀을 누설하다 to tell someone something that you should keep secret.
예) The party was surprised but she gave it away. 그 파티는 서프라이즈였는데 그녀가 누설했다.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I decided to take the plunge. 난 과감히 시도하기로 결심했어.
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