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2022 EBS 이지 라이팅

22.03.21.월 Easy Writing 소셜 미디어: 노래 강습 문의 How can I become good at singing?

by Namaskara 2022. 3. 21.

give [목적어] a piece of advice [목적어]에게 충고 한마디를 해주다.
= give me some advice.
** advice 불가산명사
세리나는 그녀의 학생들에게 충고 한마디를 해줬어.
Serina gave her students a piece of advice.
Serina gave her students a piece of advice.
내가 너한테 충고한마디 해줄께.
I’ll give you a piece of advice.
Let me give you a piece of advice.
당신이 제 아이에게 충고 한마디 해주실 수 있으면 좋을 것 같아요.
It would be nice if you could give my kid a piece of advice.
It would be nice if you could give my child a piece of advice.

become 되다
impress (실력/가치로) 감명을 주다.
(move; touch 감정적으로 감동을 주다)
hit high note 고음을 내다
sing vibrate 바이브레이션을 하다.
work on [something]에 대해서 작업하다.
I’m working on my homework.
improve 향상시키다
at least 적어도
in front of [뭔가]에 앞에서
behind ~뒤에서

so that [평서문]이도록; [평서문]이게
너 내일 일찍 일어나게 좀 자라.
Go sleep so that you get up early tomorrow.
Get some sleep so that you can wake up early tomorrow.
난 내 개가 들어올 수 있게 그 문을 열어뒀어.
I kept the door open so that my dog could get in.
I left the door open so that my dog could come in.

be born with [명사]를 타고나다
마유는 대단한 요리 실력을 가지고 태어났어.
Mayu was born with great cooking skills.
Mayu was born with amazing cooking skills.
세리나는 다른 사람을 행복하게 만드는 능력을 가지고 태어났어.
Serina was born with the ability that makes others happy.
Serina was born with the ability to make other people happy.

save 목적어 from embarrassment [목적어]에게 민망함을 면하게 하다.
Save yourself from embarrassment. 창피하게 굴지 마.

( ) 너희 자신들을 민망함으로부터 구해라.
Save yourselves from embarassment
(내가 내 춤 동작들을 터트리기 전에)
before I hit my dance moves.
before I burst out my dance moves.

[Five Golden Sentences]
친구들을 감동시킬 수 있게 정말로 노래를 잘 하고 싶어요.
I really want to become good at singing so that I can impress my friends.
I really want to become good at singing so that I can impress my friends.

전 절대 고음을 내거라 바이브레이션을 하지 못해요.
I can never hit high notes or sing vibrato.
I can never hit high notes or sing vibrato.

이건 타고나야 하는 능력인가요?
Are they abilities with which you are born
Are these abilities that you are born with
아니면 열심히 해서 향상시킬 수 있는 건가요?
or something you’re working on and you can improve?
or something you can work on and improve?

저한테 충고 한 마디 해주실 수 있을까요?
Do you think you can give me a piece of advice?
Do you think you can give me a piecie of advice?

적어도 ( ) 완전한 민망함에서 절 구하고 싶네요.
At least I want to save myself from complete embarrassment
I want to at least save myself from total embarrassment
(친구들 앞에서 노래할 때,)
when I sing in front of my friends.
when I sing in front of my buddies.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지 라이팅 Easy Writing 소셜 미디어: 노래 강습 문의 How can I become good at singing?

