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2022 EBS 이지 라이팅

22.11.14.월 Easy Writing 팝송: 보헤미안 랩소디: 난 이제 상관없어. Nothing really matters to me.

by Namaskara 2022. 11. 14.

get back on one’s feet 회복하다
상황: 심각하게 몸이 아플 때, 상황이 안 좋았다가 좋아졌을 때
세린쌤: You had a really bad break up and you were feeling depressed and so sad. Finally you get over that person.
그 환자는 그의 발을 도로 딛고 일어났어.
The patient got back on his feet.
그녀가 회복할 때까지는 시간이 걸릴거예요.
It’ll take some time until she gets back on her feets.
그는 실패했지만 곧 회복했다.
He failed but soon got back on his feet.
He failed but got back on his feet soon.

escape 탈출
세린쌤: Have you ever been to an escape room? 탈출방 가보셨어요?
sky 하늘
face 직면하다
time alone 혼자만의 시간
세린쌤: I desperately need time alone. This comes from my heart.
whichever way 어느 쪽이든
blow (바람이) 불다
matter 중요하다

look up to [명사]를 올려다 보다; 존경하다
나는 하늘을 올려다 봤어.
I looked up to the sky.
아이들이 당신을 우러러 보고 있어요.
Children are looking up to you.


20.07.06.월 I look up to you. 당신을 존경해요. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcom to on EBS radio. Today is Monday the 6th of July. Starting the workweek off the right way can make the difference in your entire week. Make it easier on yourself by mentally preparing yourself for it. This week I’m sure you have fun with me. So, j



I wish I had [pp] = 내가 [pp]했다면 좋을텐데 (실제로 못했음)
내가 널 더 금방 찾았더라면 좋을텐데 말이야.
I wish I had found you earlier.
I wish I had found you sooner.
내가 알았더라면 좋을 텐데. (실제로 몰랐음)
I wish I had known.
세린쌤: I wish I had known the sale ended yeasterday. => 세일이 어제 끝났다는 걸 알았더라면 좋았을텐데 아니어서 아쉬움을 표현

let [목적어] down [목적어]를 실망시키다
너 이번에는 날 실망시키지 않은 게 좋을거야.
You don’t want to let me down this time.
You’d better not let me down this time.
내가 한 번이라도 널 실망시킨 적 있냐?
Have I ever let you down?


20.05.28.목 I won’t let you down. 널 실망시키지 않을게. [권주현의 진짜 영국 영어]

Thanks for tuning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Today is Thurday the 28th of May. Make sure that you’re spending enough quality time with yourself. Take a class or try out a new hobby. Listen to the show and make this as your hobby. But make s



[Five Golden Sentences]

탈출구는 없어요.
There is no escape.
하늘을 올려다보고 현실을 직면해요.
Look up to the sky and face the reality.
Look up to the skies and face the reality.


** skies 창공: 넓은 하늘 (poetic 표현)
The skies are so beautiful.

엄마, 가끔씩은 내가 태어나지 않았다면 할 때가 있어요.
Mama, sometimes I wish I had never been born.
=> 실제로 born한 상태이기 때문에, 과거를 가정한 것

회복하려고 노력중이지만, 결코 쉽지는 않네요.
I’m trying to get back on my feet, but it’s never easy.

실망시켜드려 죄송해요.
I’m sorry I let you down
하지만 혼자만의 시간이 좀 필요해요.
but I need some time alone.


바람이 어디로 불든 저에게는 별로 중요하지 않아요.
Whichever way the wind blows, nothing really matters to me.
** nothing 단수임

돈이 더 많았더라면 좋았을텐데.
I wish I had had more money.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 이지라이팅 Easy Writing 팝송: 보헤미안 랩소디: 난 이제 상관없어 Nothing really matters to me.

