[표현 분석]
** out of 밖의
** loop 원형의 고리
** out of the loop 원형 고리의 밖 => 모두에게 정보과 공유되고 있지만 혼자만 모르는 상황 => 소외된 unaware of information about a particular matter 특정한 문제에 대한 정보를 알지 못하는 (혼자만 모르는, 소외된)
** in the loop (정보를 제공받아서) 잘 알고 있는
A: I’m out of the loop. No one told me about today’s meeting.
B: You should have downloaded that messenger app.
A: Hey, you know I’m not good with technology.
A) 난 소외됐어. 아무도 나에게 오늘의 모임에 대해서 말하지 않았어.
B) 너는 그 메신저를 다운받았어야 했어.
A) 야, 너 나 기계치인 거 알잖아.
21.03.09.화 I am not good with words. 난 말주변이 없어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 9th of March. What can we do on Tuesday after an unproductive Monday? I am saying if you had an unproductive day. Well, pick one thing you missed yesterday, and do it today. An
[표현 응용]
난 또 소외됐어.
I’m out of the loop again.
그는 완전히 배제되었어.
He was completely out of the loop.
그녀는 분명히 소외를 당했어.
She is clearly out of the loop.
결과적으로 그들은 소외되었어.
As a result, they are out of the loop.
[표현 심화]
난 휴가를 다녀온 go on holiday 후부터 소외당했어.
I’ve been out of the loop since coming from my vacation.
I’ve been out of the loop since I went on holiday.
그녀는 소외된 것에 대해 불평했어.
She complained about being out of the loop.
She complained of being kept out of the loop.
애초에 in the first place 왜 날 따돌렸는지 모르겠어.
At the first place, I don’t know why I was out of the loop.
I don’t know why you kept me out of the loop in the first place.
그가 나를 계속 따돌렸어.
He has been keeping me out of the loop.
He kept me out of the loop.
그가 팀을 런던으로 옮겼다는 걸을 알게 된 것은 충격이었지.
So it was a shock to know that he moved the team to London.
So it was a shock to discover that he moved the team to London.
EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 시즌 (2) I’m out of the loop. 난 소외됐어.
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