귀트영59 22.06.24.금 Ways LASIK Eye Surgery Will Change Your Life 삶을 변화시키는 라식 수술 귀트영 Ways LASIK Eye Surgery Will Change Your Life 삶을 변화시키는 라식 수술 Have you ever woken up shocked to realize you could see the alarm clock clearly? But then you felt disappointed when you remembered you fell asleep with your contacts in. Imagine waking up after LASIK surgery. You could start every day without your vision getting in the way. If you rely on glasses, contact, or both to see clearly, you k.. 2022. 6. 24. 22.06.23.목 Ways to Break Out of a Career Slump 커리어 슬럼프에서 벗어나는 방법 귀트영 Ways to Break Out of a Career Slump 커리어 슬럼프에서 벗어나는 방법 Every has had the odd on unproductive day here and there. When they persist for weeks even months, that’s a slump. A lingering work rut can be detrimental to one’s happiness, wellbeing and career. People in a slump don’t produce their best work and may become disengaged from tasks that used to excite them. If you’re in a slump, you might be w.. 2022. 6. 23. 22.06.22.수 Benefits of Doing Jigsaw Puzzles 조각 그림 맞추기를 하는 것의 장점 귀가 트이는 영어 Benefits of Doing Jigsaw Puzzles 조각 그림 맞추기를 하는 것의 장점 Jigsaw puzzles are seeing a resurgence of in popularity today. Many people use them as a way to escape the information overload of modern society. Wrestling oneself away from screens and devices can be really a nearly impossible task. However, doing so is vital to one’s mental and physical health. Jigsaw puzzles stimulate both sides of brain a.. 2022. 6. 22. 22.06.21.화 Benefit of Playing the Piano 피아노를 치는 것의 장점, 귀가 트이는 영어 Benefit of Playing the Piano 피아노를 치는 것의 장점 These days, many adults are taking up the piano. They’ve realized that piano lessons are not only for children. As the old saying goes, you’re never too old to learn. Children often learn to play the piano because their parents make them. Adults, however, learn because they want. This intrinsic motivation makes all the difference. Learning how to play t.. 2022. 6. 21. 22.06.16.목 What is Biometrics? 생체 인식이란 무엇인가? 귀가 트이는 영어 What is Biometrics? 생체 인식이란 무엇인가? The term “Biometrics” is derived from the Greek words Bio meaning life and metric meaning to measure. It became even more common during the COVID 19 pandemic. It refers to the measurement of people’s unique physical characteristics. Biometrics have been mainly used for identification purposes, like passports or travel visas for example. The two main biometric id.. 2022. 6. 16. 22.06.15.수 What Is Positive Influence? 긍정적인 영향력이란 무엇인가? 안젤쌤: This is so important. I truly believe that thinking positively, spreading positive energy, it makes a big difference. 현석쌤: It’s also about caring about others. Because it’s not just about you being a good person. It’s trying to help other live a better life. That’s positive influence. 안젤쌤: And genuinely wanting them to succeed. In Korean, we have that expression. 배아프다고요. But not really goin.. 2022. 6. 15. 22.06.07.화 Are Paper Books Better Than E-Books? 종이책이 전자책보다 더 우수한가? 귀가 트이는 영어 현석쌤: I actually have a 귀트영 book in my hands. We both have them. And there actually paper books we can flip through pages and see what is written in the book. I like paper books like this. 안절쌤: I also paper books over E-books. I get that there are a lot of *** energy to E-books. But there are something about actually holding the book and seeing all the pages and touching the pages. I don’t know. .. 2022. 6. 7. 22.05.31.화 Why We should Study Economics and Finance 우리가 경제학과 금융을 공부해야 하는 이유 Why We should Study Economics and Finance 우리가 경제학과 금융을 공부해야 하는 이유 Economics is one of the most popular fields of study at universities around the world. It explores how people, businesses, and governments make choices about how to allocate resources. It’s concerned with production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. So with that in mind, let’s look at some reasons why people pu.. 2022. 5. 31. 이전 1 ··· 4 5 6 7 8 다음 반응형