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22.09.14.수 How to Bridge the Generation Gap at Work 직장에서 세대 차이를 좁히는 방법 귀가 트이는 영어 Most experts agree that effective leaders build diverse teams. Normally, gender and ethnicity are the most common facets of diversity. However, business leaders must not overlook the importance of age diversity. Maintaining a productive and inclusive workforce requires accommodating differences in age. In other words, bridging the generation gap allows managers to highlight employees’ most shini.. 2022. 9. 14.
22.09.14.수 Easy Writing 영화: Catch Me If You Can: FBI가 Frank의 도움을 요청하다. The FBI asks for Frank’s help. be involved in [명사]에 연루되다 그 둘은 같은 케이스에 연루되어 있다. The two are involved in the same case. 난 그 사업 딜에 연루되고 싶지 않아. I don’t want to be involved in the business deal. 난 빠질래. I don’t want to be involved 그녀는 그 프로젝트에 깊게 연루되어 있어. She is deeply involved in the project. ====================== impersonate 사칭하다, 흉내내다 impersonation 성대묘사 approach 접근하다 He approached me an offer. naive 순진한 bar exam 사법고시 attorney 변호.. 2022. 9. 14.
22.09.14.수 like a scene from a movie 영화의 한 장면 같은 I’ve seen this before. You can’t make this kind of stuff up. 진짜 미국 영어 like a scene from a movie 영화의 한 장면 같은 [Today’s Situation: 친구의 데이트가 어땠는지 묻는 상황] A: How did your date go? B: It was very romantic. A: Oh, tell me about it. B: It was like a scene from a movie. A) 데이트 어땠어? B) 아주 로맨틱했어. A) 아 그래, 말해줘봐~ B) 마치 영화의 한 장면 같았어. [Pattern and Expression] 이건 마치 할리우드 영화의 한 장면 같아요. This was like a scene from a Hollywood movie. 그건 마치 액션 영화의 한 장면 같았어. It was like a scene from an .. 2022. 9. 14.
22.09.13.화 Europe Is Sacrificing Its Ancient Forests for Energy 에너지 때문에 오래된 숲을 희생하고 있는 유럽 Europe Is Sacrificing Its Ancient Forests for Energy 에너지 때문에 오래된 숲을 희생하고 있는 유럽 Sarah Hurtes and Weiyi Cai Wood was never supposed to be the foundation of the EU’s green energy strategy. When the bloc began subsidizing wood burning more than a decade ago, it was seen as a quick boost for renewable fuel and an incentive to move homes and power plants away from coal and gas. Chips and pellets were .. 2022. 9. 13.
22.09.13.화 The Benefits of Having a Blood Test 혈액 검사의 장점 귀가 트이는 영어 The Benefits of Having a Blood Test 혈액 검사의 장점 An annual blood screening can be a key component in preventing various types of illnesses. The test can shed light on potential health problems before they fester into something more serious. Once they are detected, these illnesses can then be managed most effectively. There are also other benefits to this testing. Blood testing is one of the most ef.. 2022. 9. 13.
22.09.13.화 Easy Writing 영화: Catch Me If You Can: 세기의 사기꾼 Frank, The con man of the century trick [목적어] into [~ing] = [목적어]를 속여서 ing하게 하다. 당신이 이 쓰레기 같은 집을 사게끔 나를 속였어. You tricked me into buying this house like a trash. You tricked me into buying this crappy house. 그녀는 그녀의 친구를 그 피라미드 판매에 합류하게끔 속였어. She tricked her friend into joining the pyramid sales. She tricked her friend into joining the pyramid scheme. 그는 더 많은 돈을 투자하게끔 우리를 속였어. He tricked us into investing more money ==============.. 2022. 9. 13.
22.09.13.화 You don’t see that every day. 특이하다, It’s not every day that, tell one’s grandkids [something] 진짜 미국 영어 직역: 너는 그걸 매일 보지 않는다. 의역: 매우 특이하다/ 특별하다/ 신기하다 상황: 어떤 사건이나 상황이 흔치 않은 경우 (연예인을 보는 경우) [Today’s Situation: 결정을 내리기 위해 동전 던지기를 하는 상황] A: Let’s flip a coin. heads or tails? B: I call heads A: It landed on its side. B: You don’t see that every day! A) 동전 던지기 하자. 앞면 아니면 뒷면? B) 난 앞면. A) 우와~ 동전이 옆으로 섰어. B) 진짜 드문 장면이다. 신기하다. [Pattern and Expression] (앞으로 프리젠테이션 후 기립 박수가 난 상황) You don’t see that every day. .. 2022. 9. 13.
22.09.12.월 Advantages of Online Grocery Shopping 온라인 장보기의 장점 귀가 트이는 영어 Advantages of Online Grocery Shopping 온라인 장보기의 장점 Online Grocery shopping has emerged as a simple and convenient solution for busy people on-the-go. Whether it’s your first time to use such services or whether you are a seasoned pro, the benefits of online grocery shopping are plain to see. High quality and fresh products are just a few clicks away. Going to a brick and mortar grocery store ever.. 2022. 9. 12.