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22.09.01.목 How to Get Rid of Clothes in Your Closet 옷장 안의 옷들을 처분하는 방법, 귀가 트이는 영어 How to Get Rid of Clothes in Your Closet 옷장 안의 옷들을 처분하는 방법 Cleaning outer out a closet can be off-putting for a lot of people. But you arm youself with a plan, it will make things go more smoothly. The biggest key is to physically schedule the time to do it. Don’t just say that you’re going to do it this weekend. Actually, schedule the activity in your calendar. Now it’s time to jump in with bot.. 2022. 9. 1.
22.09.01.목 Easy Writing 대화: 수영에서 필라테스로 갈아탄 친구 No pain, no gain. You know it. how [부사] = 얼마나 [부사] 세리나는 얼마나 늦게 잠자리에 든거야? How late did Serina go to bed? 아니 너 얼마나 빨리 먹은거야? How quickly did you eat? How fast did you eat? 얼마나 세게 그 문을 찼어? How hard did you have to kick the door? =================== switch 옮기다; 엇바꾸다. Pilates 필라테스 fit 잘 맞는 것; 나한테 딱 맞는 것 Is Pilates a good fit for you? tell 식별하다 (자동사) I can tell. 알만하네. toned 탄력있는 push 채찍질 하다; 압박하다 determination 결심 We need determinati.. 2022. 9. 1.
22.09.01.목 eat [someone/something] for breakfast 아주 쉽다. like taking candy from a baby 진짜 미국 영어 S: September is already here E: Exciting lectures are waiting again P: Pretty 로라 & 데이빗 T:Teaching English, too. E: Everyone who studies hard M: More and more students will come B: Before we realiz it there won’t be E: Enough space in our Kakao room 진미영 R: Radio show greets you with another exciting month. ** eat [something] breakfast 아주 쉽다; someone를 쉽게 이길 수 있다 (미국 사람들은 아침을 잘 챙겨 먹는 습관이 있다. 계란, 베이.. 2022. 9. 1.
21.09.01.수 I'll have you know....뭘 잘 모르나 본데.... 권주현의 진짜 영국영어 Today is Wednesday the 1st of September. Today is the first day of a new month. What do you want to complish this month? The first step you should take is to look forward and dream, and then design a meaningful life. I'm here for you to help you design your meaningful life. 직역: 나는 너가 알도록 할게 의역: 뭘 잘 모르나 본데; 내가 알려줘야겠네 상황: 상대방에게 어떤 사실을 확실히 알려주고 싶거나, 상대방 때문에 다소 짜증났을 때 A: 자네는 촌사람 bumpkin이잖아. 온라인 쇼핑해본.. 2022. 9. 1.
22.08.31.수 Phone Scams and Voice Phishing (Vishing) 전화 사기와 보이스 피싱, 귀가 트이는 영어 Phone Scams and Voice Phishing (Vishing) 전화사기와 보이스 피싱 The advent of internet has unfortunately given rise to many different types of scams. One of the latest is the voice fishing, a.k.a. vishing. This latest con uses fraudulent phone calls to trick people into giving money or revealing personal information. Vishing usually involves a criminal pretending to represent trusted institution, company,.. 2022. 8. 31.
22.08.31.수 Easy Writing 리뷰: HB 벌레 퇴치 스프레이는 형편없는 선택 The HB bug Repellent Spray was a terrible choice. have a look at [명사]를 살펴보다 (“look at” 보다 가벼운 느낌) 그 요약본을 좀 살펴보죠. Let’s have a look at the summary. 그 사진을 가까이 살펴보세요. Please have a close look at the picture. 내가 기회가 있을 때 그걸 살펴볼게. I’ll have a look at it when I have get a chance. ========================= attract 끌다 세린쌤: There’s a lot of theories about what mosquitos are attracted to. Are they attracted to certain blood types? Are they attracted to m.. 2022. 8. 31.
22.08.31.수 Goodbye, something. Hello, something. kiss [something] goodbye, say hello to my little friend 진짜 미국 영어 Goodbye, something. Hello, something. 상황: 하나의 활동이나 기간이 종료되고 다른 새로운 국면이 될 때, 보통 힘들었던 것을 작별하면서 동시에 새로운 것을 반갑게 마주하는 것 [Today’s Situation: 오랫동안 힘들게 이어왔던 연애를 그만두려는 상황] A: I heard you broke up with your girlfriend. A) 야, 너 여자친구랑 헤어졌다며. B: Yeah, we have been thinking about it for a while. B) 응 그랬어. 우린 결별에 대해 한동안 고민했었어. A: Oh so, are you okay? A) 아 그래서, 너 괜찮은거야? B: Oh, I’m fine. Goodbye, headaches! Hell.. 2022. 8. 31.
22.08.30.화 Ways to Improve Your People Skills 대인관계 능력을 증진하는 방법, 귀가 트이는 영어 Ways to Improve Your People Skills 대인관계 능력을 증진하는 방법 Establishing and growing a business requires many different attributes. Many people assume that having the latest cutting-edge technology is important. And while that’s true to a degree, knowing how to work with people is paramount. Developing people skills requires a lot of efforts along with trial and error. One of the best ways to improve yo.. 2022. 8. 30.