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온라인 영어 학습98

20.10.01.목 There is no getting around the fact that ~ 는 부정할 수 없는 사실이야. 권주현의 진짜 영 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday. The 1st of October. The first day of October, right? But also, today is 추석. Korean Thanksgiving day. Celebrate 추석 by making special foods like 송편. Eat a lot and drive safe. And, of course, be safe. Have a jolly good time with your family and friends but make sure you catch up with me. 영국을 넘어 전세계에서 통하는 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 월간 교재로 복습과 예습 확실히 해서 네이.. 2022. 10. 1.
20.09.29.화 I couldn't care less. 내가 알 게 뭐야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Thanks for tuning into 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 29th of September. Getting sunlight first thing in the morning tells your body clock, it’s time to start the day. Is your body clock ready to start? Before getting sunlight for the day, make sure you spend enough time with me because we’re going to have a quality time with joy. Just listen to the show and shout out the main .. 2022. 9. 29.
20.09.16.수 Stop bugging me! 귀찮게 좀 하지마! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You're listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Wednesday the 16th of September. It's the middle of work week, meaning that one has made it over the hump towards the weekend. One said success is no accident. It's hard work, learning, studying, sacrificing. And, most of all, love of what you're doing or learning to do. So, dedicate your 10 minuites a day. Listen first, repeat, and read i.. 2022. 9. 16.
21.09.09.목 I hate to break it to you, but 이런 말 하기 좀 그렇지만, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Thursday the 90th of September. How are you enjoying your day today? Well, some people call it Thursday, but I'd like to call it Friday Eve. 상황: 누군가에게 안 좋은 소식을 전할 때, 직역: 나는 그것을 부러뜨리기 싫어/너를 향해/하지만 의역: 이런 말하기 좀 그렇지만.... A: 이런 말 하기 그렇지만, 내가 너의 반려 pet 금붕어들을 연못에 풀어줬어 I hate to break it to you, but I released your significant gold fish in the pond. I hate to break it to you, but I released yo.. 2022. 9. 9.
20.09.09.수 I’m so pumped! 나 완전 신나! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You’re listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the 9th of September. Happy Happy Hump day! Do you love learning English but don’t have enough time? Well, that’s not a good excuse by the way. And do you want to learn more English? If so, I’ve got some good news. You can become your own teacher for 10 minutes. Imagine you are today’s teacher. And dedicate 10 minutes a day. List.. 2022. 9. 9.
20.09.03.목 In a nutshell,~ 간단히 말하자면, 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Thanks for tunning into 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday, the third of September. Make sure that you’re spending enough quality time with yourself or for yourself take a class or try out a new hobby. Listen to this show and make this as your hobby! Isn’t it so exciting? Make sure you speak out aloud with me. 오늘의 요점을 정리해주는 표현, 간단히 말하자면, ** 유래: 종이가 없었던 시절에 견과껍질에 촘촘히 글을 적었다. 작은 견과껍질 안에.. 2022. 9. 3.
20.09.02.수 Don't make a big deal. 호들갑 떨지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You're listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday the 2nd of September. Happy hump day! Here are some tips on how you can beat the hump day. Well, do something meaningful before work. A good morning can mean a good day and accomplishing something early would mean you’ve already had a success even before heading into the office. You’re the winner. So tune in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 and .. 2022. 9. 2.
20.08.13.목 I've had it! 더 이상은 못 참겠어! 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio Today is Thursday the 13th of August. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Be confident. People can only correct your mistakes when they hear you make them. So, listeners! make sure you speak out loud with me today. For your information, monthly textbook is on the market. 갑자기 일을 그만 둘 때 쓰는 표현은? 직역: 나는 그것을 가졌다 => 자신이 가질 수 있는 만큼 가졌다 => 참을 수 있을 만큼 가졌다=> 더 이상 못 참겠어!.. 2022. 8. 13.