토익 스피킹23 21.10.26.화 Giving Birth 출산 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Describe Your Experience of Giving Birth. 출산 경험에 대해서 이야기해주세요. As the mother of three kids, I get chatty when the conversation turns to giving birth. 나는 세 아이의 엄마로서 대화가 출산으로 바뀌면 말이 좀 많아진다. My first child was in a breech position until the end of the pregnancy, so I had to get a C-section. 첫째 아이는 임신 마지막까지 역아로 위치해 있어서 제왕절개를 해야 했다. I was determined to have my second child by natural childb.. 2021. 10. 26. 21.10.20.수 Webtoons 웹툰 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Webtoons 웹툰에 대해서 이야기해주세요. Webtoon is a newly-coined word combining web and cartoon. 웹툰은 웹과 카툰이 합쳐진 신조어이다. It refers to comics that are published on online platforms. 해외에서는, 이 단어가 한국의 인터넷 만화를 지칭하는 고유명사가 되었다. Overseas, the word has become a proper noun referring to Korea's online comics. 해외에서는, 이 단어가 한국의 인터넷 만화를 지칭하는 고유명사가 되었다. Just 10 years ago, webtoons were not a widesprea.. 2021. 10. 20. 21.10.19.화 입이 트이는 영어 Working as an Engineer 엔지니어의 업무 [Speaking] Talk about the work done by Engineers. 엔지니어의 업무에 대해서 이야기해 주세요. I have worked for 15 years as a product development engineer. 15년째 제품개발 엔지니어로 일하고 있다. Developing a product is a complicating process. 제품을 개발하는 것은 복잡한 과정이다. First, the marketing department or the sales department performs market research on customers' needs. 먼저 마케팅 부서나 영업부서에서 고객 니즈에 대한 시장조사를 한다. After completing the analysi.. 2021. 10. 19. 21.10.15.금 입이 트이는 영어 Quarantining at Home 자가격리 [Speaking]Describe your experience of quarantining at home because of COVID 19 I received a word that there was a confirmed case of covid 19 at the pilates studio I go to. I got tested for covid and the result was negative. But the very next day I got the bad news that I had to self-quarantine for 2 two weeks since I was in close contact with a confirmed patient. I went to into quarantine in my .. 2021. 10. 15. 21.10.05.화 입이 트이는 영어 Sharing Through Monthly Donations 매월 정기 후원을 통한 나눔 실천 이현석: Do you make monthly donations or periodic donations to the charity organizaitons? 제니퍼: Monthly donations if I could name them, UNESCO as well as HSI which is Humane Society International ### animal protection organizations. [Speaking] Talk about Sharing With Others Through Monthly Donations. 매월 정기 후원을 통한 나눔 실천에 대해서 이야기해주세요. Thanks to a much better standard of living than in the past, kids t.. 2021. 10. 5. 21.08.02.월 Homemade Coffee 집에서 만드는 커피 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Brewing Coffee at Home More and more people are brewing coffee and tea by themselves at home. The best part of a home cafe is that you can drink coffee and tea as you like, regardless of time and place. Pour-over coffee is known for its great taste in aroma, and you can choose from various beans depending on your taste. For the best pour-over coffee, you have to start with .. 2021. 8. 2. 21.06.01.화 Self-Development and Personal Growth 자기 계발과 성장 _ 입이 트이는 영어 [Speaking] Talk about Self-improvement and personal growth Many people want to stay in their comfort zones. A comfort zone is a comfortable and familiar space, free from factors like fear or uncertainty. Sometimes, we're so used to this comfort that we get cold feet even when there's something we want to try. Because of this fear of failure, we can't test our limits and end up going in circles. .. 2021. 6. 1. 이전 1 2 3 다음 반응형