EBS 오디오 어학당1171 23.02.04.토 Power English 히트 곡의 길이가 점점 짧아지고 있다. Number-One Songs Are Getting Shorter. Over the past 70 years, number-one hit songs have gotten noticeably shorter. While there will always be longer songs that become popular, the trends for complex 5-minute long balance ballads at the top of the chart might be a thing in the past. The current average length of Number One song is 3 minutes. There was a period when average song length climbed to over 4 minutes, but that number has ag.. 2023. 2. 4. 22.02.04.금 Easy Writing 대화: 밸런타인데이 식당 예약 (2) Valentine’s Day dinner reservation earlier 이전에; 아까 (in the past는 굉장히 멀~다 라는 느낌이 강함) 세리나 아까 여기 있었어. Serina was here earlier. Serina was here earlier. 제가 전에 언급했듯이, 오늘은 숙제가 없을 것입니다. As I mentioned earlier, there will be no homework today. As I mentioned earlier, there will be no homework today. 그들은 얼마 전에 그것이 살인이 아니었다고 확인했습니다. They confirmed earlier that it was not a murder. They confirmed earlier that it wasn’t a murder. ===========.. 2023. 2. 4. 22.02.04.금 There were bumps in the road. 사소한 문제들이 있었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 4th of February. There are some tips to help you become a successful in life. First of all, be passionate. Second, focus. Third, push the limit. 우여곡절이 있었을 때? ** bump 부딪히다; 혹; 튀어나온 부분 ** bumps in the road 도로에서 튀어나온 부분들 => 사소한 문제들; 우여곡절 A: 사소한 문제들이 있었어. There were bumps in the road. There were bumps in the road. 어린이용 피클맛 치약을 잃어버렸어. I lost .. 2023. 2. 4. 21.02.04.목 It is a shot in the arm. 그건 활력소야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Thusday, the 4th of February. Happy Thursday! Effective studies start with right attitude. A positive outlook can shift studying from a punishment, from a punishment to an opportunity to learn something. A positive outlook is a good characteristic of good mental and emotional health. Keep that in mind and let's get started. A: It is a sho.. 2023. 2. 4. 23.02.03.금 ‘일반동사’와 do 진짜 미국 영어 run, jump, talk, hit 축약형 didn’t did not 2023. 2. 3. 22.02.03.목 Easy Writing 대화: 밸런타인데이 식당 예약 (1) Valentine’s Day dinner reservation [기간] ahead of [명사]보다 [기간] 앞서서 우리 그 추수감사절을 3개월 앞서서 예약했어. We booked the suite room 3 months ahead of Thanks giving’s day. We booked the suite 3 monts ahead of Thanks giving day. 나는 그 회의 2시간 앞서서 회의실을 겨우 manage to 예약했어. I booked the meeting room 2 hours ahead of the meeting. I managed to book the meeting room 2 hours ahead of the meeting. 대부분의 사람들은 크리스마스 1년 앞서서 방을 예약합니다. Most people book their room .. 2023. 2. 3. 22.02.03.목 He has played a pivotal role. 그는 중추적인 역할을 해 왔어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Thursday the 3rd of February. Happy Thursday! Well, language learning has been shown to improve students’ cognitive function including enhanced problem solving skills. Listener! Solve your problems with me. 친구가 핵심적인 역할을 했을 때? ** pivot 가장 중요한 중심; 중심축 ** pivotal 중심이 되는; 중심축이 되는 ** pivotal role 중추적인 역할 ** play a pivotal role 중추적인 역할을 하다. A: 그는 리더로서 중추.. 2023. 2. 3. 21.02.03.수 Calm your nerves. 진정해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Hello everybody! Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Wednesday, the 3rd of February. And today is "IPCHUN". The lunar calendar's traditional beginning of spring falls today. On this day, people traditionally posted on their household's main gate large notes welcoming the spring. Is it too early to welcome the spring? Well, winter has passed, not officially of course, but let's feel t.. 2023. 2. 3. 이전 1 ··· 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 ··· 147 다음 반응형