Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Friday the 4th of February.
There are some tips to help you become a successful in life.
First of all, be passionate.
Second, focus.
Third, push the limit.
우여곡절이 있었을 때?
** bump 부딪히다; 혹; 튀어나온 부분
** bumps in the road 도로에서 튀어나온 부분들 => 사소한 문제들; 우여곡절
A: 사소한 문제들이 있었어.
There were bumps in the road.
There were bumps in the road.
어린이용 피클맛 치약을 잃어버렸어.
I lost a pickle flavoured toothpaste for children.
I lost my pickle flavoured thoothpaste for kids.
B: 세상일이 다 그런거죠. 걱정할 필요 없어요.
That’s the way the ball bounces. You needn’t worry.
That’s the way the ball bounces. You needn’t worry.
A: 너무 미안해.
Awfully sorry.
I’m so sorry.
여기 오는데 사소한 문제들이 있었어.
There were bumps in the road on the way to here.
There were bumps in the road to get here.
B: 넌 습관적으로 늦네. 정말 실망스러워
You are routinely late. I’m gutted.
You are habitually late. I’m gutted.
[Try It Now]
사소한 문제들이 있었어.
There were bumps in the road.
학생용 치약을 잃어버렸어.
I lost my pickle favoured toothpaste for students.
너무 미안해.
I’m so sorry.
런던에 가는데 사소한 문제들이 있었어.
There were bumps in the road to get to London.
[Step by Step]
시작하는데 우여곡절이 있었지만
There were bumps in the road to start,
There were bumps in the road to start,
지금 난 만족해.
but I’m satisfied now.
but now I’m satisfied.
어제처럼 사소한 문제들이 있을거라 확신해.
I’m sure there will be bumps in the road like yesterday
I’m sure there are going to be bumps in the road like I had yesterday.
어느 정도 우여곡절이 없으면 삶은 지루할 것 같애.I think life will be boring if there’s somewhat no bump in the road.
Life would be boring without a few bumps in the road.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 사소한 문제들이 있었어.
There were bumps in the road.
어린이용 딸기맛 치약을 잃어버렸어.
I lost my strawberry flavoured toothpaste for kids.
B: 세상 일이 다 그런거야.
That’s the way the ball bounces.
전혀 걱정할 필요 없어요.
You needn’t worry at all.
A: 용서해줘. 여기오는 데 사소한 문제들이 있었어.
Forgive me. There were bumps in the road to get here
B: 넌 항상 늦네. 정말 실망스러워.
You’re always late. I’m gutted.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 There were bumps in the road. 사소한 문제들이 있었어.
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