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Easy Writing224

22.02.11.금 Easy Writing 대사: Titanic (2) Never let go of that promise. 절대 그 약속을 져 get out of [명사]에서 나가다. 1) (물리적으로 장소)에서 나가다 2) (상황에서) 벗어나다. You’re gonna get out of the slump. 내 방에서 나가. Get out of my room. Get out of my room. 그가 그 차에서 나간 그 순간에 폭발했다. The moment he got out of the car, it exploded The minute he out of the car, it exploded. 어떻게 우리가 이 상황에서 벗어날 수 있죠? How can we get out of this situation? How are we supposed to get out of this situation? ======================== bab.. 2023. 2. 11.
22.02.10.목 Easy Writing 대사: Titanic (1) Life is a game of luck. 인생은 행운의 게임이다. Where exactly [질문] 정확히 어디에 [질문] 당신은 정확히 어디에서 일하죠? Where exactly do you work? Where exactly do you work? 당신의 사무실은 정확히 어디로 이전하죠? Where exactly is your office moving? Where exactly is your office moving? 그 사고가 정확히 어디서 벌어졌죠? Where exactly did the accident happen? Where exactly did the accident happen? ============================ artist 예술가; 화가 address 주소 surprise 놀랄만한 일 undealt 돌리지 않은 ** deal the c.. 2023. 2. 10.
21.02.10.수 Easy Writing 로맨틱하거나 느끼하거나? Romantic or cheesy? fall for N: N에 넘어가다. Don't fall for his tricks. I completely/totally fell for MAYU's magic tricks. I am never going to fall for your lies again. trick, smile, next to, flip (Let's flip a coin), coin, heads, tails, lack(She lacks patience) find oneself ~ing I found myself shaking uncontrollably She found herself following what Mayu said She found herself repeating after Mayu only when 평서문 Talk on.. 2023. 2. 10.
22.02.09.수 Easy Writing 영화 Titanic (3) a movie by James Cameron (3) collide with [명사]와 충돌하다 cf) clash into; smash into 같이 부딪히는 느낌 열차가 버스와 충돌했습니다. A train collided with a bus. A train collided with a bus. 그 과학자는 그 운석이 지구와 충돌할지도 모른다고 경고했습니다. The scientist warned the meteorite might collide with the earth. The scientist warned the meteorite might collide with Earth. 그 자동차는 그 트럭과 충돌하며 폭발했습니다. The car collided with the truck and exploded. The car exploded, colliding .. 2023. 2. 9.
22.02.08.화 Easy Writing 영화 Titanic (2) A movie by James Cameron (2) persuade [목적어] to [동사]: [목적어]를 [동사]하도록 설득하다 *convince(납득시키다)는 생각을 바꾸는 수준 vs persuade는 실제로 어떤 행동을 하도록 이끌어 내는 수준 난 우리 부모님이 한국으로 도로 이사오시도록 설득했어. I persuaded my parents to move back to Korea. I persuaded my parents to move back to Korea. 세리나는 마유에게 EW 청취자들과 그의 요리법들을 공유하지 않도록 설득했어. Serina persuaded Mayu not to share his recipes with EW listeners. Serina persuaded Mayu not to share his recipes with the.. 2023. 2. 8.
22.02.07.월 Easy Writing 영화 Titanic (1); A movie by James Cameron (1) win [명사]를 따다/타다 세리나는 라스베가스에서 300만달러를 땄어. Serina won 3 million in Las Vegas. Serina won 3 million dollars in Las Vegas. 마유는 최고 배우 오스카 상을 탔어. Mayu won the best actor prize at Oscar. Mayu won at Oscar for best actor. 오늘 뉴폰을 타기 위해 기회를 위해서 가입하세요. Join for the chance to win the New Phone today. Sign up today for a chance to win a New Phone. ======================= film 영화 motion picture director 감독 dr.. 2023. 2. 7.
21.02.05금 Easy Writing 세리나의 다이어리 Serina's Diary: I read a book on habits. In reality, 실제로는 (사실과는 반대로의 의미) In reality, it will rarely happen. He seems like a nice guy, but in reality, he is evil. In reality, he was going through financial problems. ======================= habit, shoke, every day(ad.), lives, control, govern, childhood, maneuver ======================= thinking [평서문]이라 생각하며 I smiled thinking I made the right decision. We entered the room thinking no one.. 2023. 2. 6.
22.02.03.목 Easy Writing 대화: 밸런타인데이 식당 예약 (1) Valentine’s Day dinner reservation [기간] ahead of [명사]보다 [기간] 앞서서 우리 그 추수감사절을 3개월 앞서서 예약했어. We booked the suite room 3 months ahead of Thanks giving’s day. We booked the suite 3 monts ahead of Thanks giving day. 나는 그 회의 2시간 앞서서 회의실을 겨우 manage to 예약했어. I booked the meeting room 2 hours ahead of the meeting. I managed to book the meeting room 2 hours ahead of the meeting. 대부분의 사람들은 크리스마스 1년 앞서서 방을 예약합니다. Most people book their room .. 2023. 2. 3.