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Learning English online196

22.07.06.수 The New Geography of the Russian Elite 러시아 엘리트들의 새로운 이동패턴 The New Geography of the Russian Elite 러시아 엘리트들의 새로운 이동패턴 Written by Pablo Robles, Anton Troianovski and Agnes Chang After the Russian invasion, the threat of closing borders, international sanctions and imprisonment drove tens of thousands to flee Russia. Journalists, activists and tech workers flocked to Armenia, Georgia and Turkey — relatively affordable, nearby countries that allow Russians .. 2022. 7. 6.
22.07.06.수 Would 사용법 Why the heck would I ~? 진짜 미국 영어 I would love to 1) 상대방의 의견을 기분 좋게 받아들일 때 2) 예의상 3) ‘would’는 ‘want’보다 덜 직접적이고 공손한 의미 => want/will가 매운 맛이라면 would는 순한 맛 [Today’s Situation: COVID 19로 일상이 바뀐 걸 한탄하는 상황] A: Stupid Covid. B: Yeah I know. Who would’ve thought? A: If it weren’t for Corona, I would be in the States right now. B: It would’ve been better if it never had happened, but it is what it is. A) 어휴~ 망할 코로나 B) 맞아 내 말이! 누가 생각이나 했겠어.. 2022. 7. 6.
22.07.04.월 Putin Issues Decree to Seize Key Exporter of Natural Gas in Russia’s Putin Issues Decree to Seize Key Exporter of Natural Gas in Russia’s Far East 러시아, '사할린 2' 사업 주체를 러 기업으로 변경 Stanley Reed Russia is moving to take over an important natural gas joint venture, putting the investments of Shell and two Japanese energy trading companies at risk in a seizure of a significant foreign investment. ▶ take over = 인수하다, 장악하다 acquire ▶ takeover: 인수(명) acquisition ▶ seizure: .. 2022. 7. 4.
22.07.04.월 English Proficiency and Studying Overseas 영어 능력과 유학, 귀가 트이는 영어 피터쌤: Wherever you go to study abroad, if it’s not your home country, as English is the global language, I think it’s very helpful if you are proficient, if you’re good at speaking English at least. English Proficiency and Studying Overseas 영어 능력과 유학 For students who are contemplating studying abroad, the importance of English can not be overstated. Almost all institutions require non-native Engl.. 2022. 7. 4.
22.07.04.월 Easy Writing [영화: Big] Josh turns into an adult over night. 밤사이에 성인이 된 Josh make a wish 소원을 빌다 세린쌤: make a wish before you blow off the candles. 소원을 빌면, 그것은 이루어지리라. Make a wish and it will come true. 세리나는 아이가 되기 위한 소원을 빌었어. Serina made a wish becoming a child again. Serina made a wish to become a child again. 세린쌤: I do wish to become a child sometimes. To many responsiblities as an adult. 마유는 소원을 빌었어. Mayu made a wish Mayu made a wish 그리고 지니는 그 소원을 80년 후에 들어줬 grant어. an.. 2022. 7. 4.
22.07.04.월 right ‘자격’, ‘권리’, authority ‘권한’과 관련된 표현 deserve 진짜 미국 영어 ** 미국을 독립은 선언할 때, 자유와 권리를 선포했기 때문인지는 모르겠지만, 미국 사람들은 일상에서 권리 단어를 많이 따진다. You have no right to say that. [Today’s Situation: 팀장이 다른 부서 상사와 서로 다투는 상황] A: You’re overstepping your authority. You have no right to interfere. B: An attack one of my team members gives me the right. A: You’re always overreacting. B: You have no right to judge me. You don’t even know me. A) 자네는 지금 월권을 하고 있어. 자네는 간섭할 권한이 없.. 2022. 7. 4.
22.07.02.토 Power English [영어회화 레벨 3] Want to Be taken Seriously at Work? Don’t Use Emojis. 직장에서 진지한 사람으로 보여지고 싶은가? 이모티콘을 사용하지 마라. 크리스틴쌤: Hello everyone! I’m Christine Cho. 카메론쌤 : I’m Cameron Word 크리스틴쌤: Thank you so much for joining us. 카메론쌤 : We are always glad to know that we have so many listeners and listen to it every day. 크리스틴쌤: And I want to tell you that we have a wide range of ages. 카메론쌤 : Do we? 크리스틴쌤: We do. We’ve got like elementary school kids listening with their parents. And I think wow their English must be.. 2022. 7. 2.
21.07.02.금 He made a shedload of money. 그는 엄청 많은 돈을 벌었어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Friday, the 2nd of July Well, good things come to people who wait, but better things come to those who go out and get them. Listeners! You are here at the right place. All need to do is get them. * shed 큰 창고 load 짐;많은 * shedload (큰 창고에 짐이 쌓여 있다는) 엄청 많은 A: 그는 작년에 엄청 많은 돈을 벌었어. He made a shedload of money last year. He made a shedload of money last year. B: 완젼 좋아. 그가 내 처남이 된다니 기뻐! Fantast.. 2022. 7. 2.