TOEFL IBT 대비 최적164 22.06.21.화 Benefit of Playing the Piano 피아노를 치는 것의 장점, 귀가 트이는 영어 Benefit of Playing the Piano 피아노를 치는 것의 장점 These days, many adults are taking up the piano. They’ve realized that piano lessons are not only for children. As the old saying goes, you’re never too old to learn. Children often learn to play the piano because their parents make them. Adults, however, learn because they want. This intrinsic motivation makes all the difference. Learning how to play t.. 2022. 6. 21. 22.06.21.화 Easy Writing 공지: 제 자리에서 이제 물러납니다. Notice: I’m resigning from my position. nothing but [명사] = 오로지 [명사] (only 와 비슷) 그 과학자의 이론은 오직 말도 안되는 소리 non-sense였을 뿐이다. The scientist’s theory was nothing but non-sense. 그 돈은 그에게 오직 괴로움만을 가져다줬다. The money brought him nothing but agony. The money brought him nothing but misery. 그의 연설을 듣는 것은 오직 시간낭비일 뿐이었어. Listening to his speech was nothing but a waste of time. ======================= accept 받아들이다 notice 공지; 알림 resignation 사직 rewardin.. 2022. 6. 21. 22.06.21.화 bring home the bacon, bread and butter 돈과 관련된 표현들 hustle, grind 진짜 미국 영어 ** bring home the bacon 1) 유래: 옛날에는 가장이 온 가족을 위해서 돼지를 잡아왔다 2) 가족의 생계를 책임지다. 돈을 벌어오다 3)(가장이 될 만큼) 성공하다; 성과를 이루다. [Today’s Situation: 아버지의 희생에 대해 동생과 감사하는 상황] A: Making money isn’t easy. B: Totally! Now I think of it, I’m so grateful that my dad worked his whole life to bring home the bacon for our family. A: Without his sacrifice, we wouldn’t be where we are today. B: Yes, let’s thank him for wha.. 2022. 6. 21. 21.06.21.월 Easy Writing 소셜 미디어: 케이팝을 커버하는 외국인에게 You deserve an album contract [2021.06.21.Mon][Easy Writing] 소셜 미디어: 케이팝을 커버하는 외국인에게 You deserve an album contract.당신은 음반계약할 정도의 실력이에요 I wonder if [평서문] 인지 궁금하네요 (*혼잣말에 가까움) 세리나가 순대를 먹는지 궁금하네 I wonder if Serina can eat 순대. I wonder if Serina eats 순대. 앤드류가 나에게 마음이 있는지 궁금하네 I wonder if Andrew has a crush on me. I wonder if Andrew has feelings for me. 남자들도 우는지 궁금하네 I wonder if men also cry. I wonder if men cry, too. ===========.. 2022. 6. 21. 21.06.21.월 Don't change the subject. 말 돌리지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Today is Monday, the 21st of June. There are some proven benefits of thinking positively; includes better quality of life, high energy levels, and better psychological and physical health. *subject 학과;과목;주제;화제 change the subject (의도적으로) 화제를 바꾸다 -> 말을 돌리다 Don't change the subject 말 돌리지 마 A: 그나저나 anyhow 긴장해서 속이 울렁거리네 Anyway, my stomach is bloated to get nervous. Anyhow, my stomach is in knots 과도한 .. 2022. 6. 21. 21.06.18.금 Easy Writing [대사: Jekyll and Hyde 뮤지컬] What brings you here? 무슨 일로 오셨나요? feel like [명사]가 된 기분이다. *문맥에 따라 '원하다'의 의미도 가능 I feel like an icecream 아이스크림 먹고 싶다 마유는 왕자가 된 기분이 들었어 He felt like a prince. He felt like a prince. 그 경호원들이 그녀를 호위했을 때, 세리나는 공주가 된 기분이 들었어 Serina felt like a princess when the bodyguards protected her. Serina felt like a princess when the bodyguards escorted her. 당신은 내가 바보가 된 것 같은 기분이 들게 만들어요 You make me feel like a fool. You make me feel like a fool.. 2022. 6. 18. 22.06.16.목 What is Biometrics? 생체 인식이란 무엇인가? 귀가 트이는 영어 What is Biometrics? 생체 인식이란 무엇인가? The term “Biometrics” is derived from the Greek words Bio meaning life and metric meaning to measure. It became even more common during the COVID 19 pandemic. It refers to the measurement of people’s unique physical characteristics. Biometrics have been mainly used for identification purposes, like passports or travel visas for example. The two main biometric id.. 2022. 6. 16. 22.06.15.수 What Is Positive Influence? 긍정적인 영향력이란 무엇인가? 안젤쌤: This is so important. I truly believe that thinking positively, spreading positive energy, it makes a big difference. 현석쌤: It’s also about caring about others. Because it’s not just about you being a good person. It’s trying to help other live a better life. That’s positive influence. 안젤쌤: And genuinely wanting them to succeed. In Korean, we have that expression. 배아프다고요. But not really goin.. 2022. 6. 15. 이전 1 ··· 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 ··· 21 다음 반응형