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Writing in English180

21.05.26.수 Easy Writing 이메일: 실수로 놓친 약속 I should have double checked my schedule. put down [명사] (명사를 글로) 적다 *write down 보다 가벼운 느낌 혹시 몰라서 나는 그녀의 번호를 적었어 I put down her number just in case. 너 잊을지도 모르니깐 그거 좀 적어놔 Put down it just in case you forget Put it down in case you forget. 난 내 생각들을 종이 한 장a sheet 에다가 적어놨어 I put down my thoughts on a piece of paper. I put down my thoughts on a sheet of paper ============================== terribly 너무 미안한, miss (뭔가)를 놓치다 appointment (공적인 만남의).. 2022. 5. 26.
22.05.18.수 Reasons People Drink Coffee 사람들이 커피를 마시는 이유, 귀트영 Coffee is the world second most popular drink with water taking the number 1 spot. But did you know that coffee provides more than just an energy boost? It’s ture. People drink coffee for more than just a buzz. Coffee beans contain nutrients that make their way from the bean to finished brewed drink. The anti-oxidants and vitamines in coffee are said to lessen depression, promote healthy heart, .. 2022. 5. 18.
22.05.18.수 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 (1) I got the results of my checkup (1) 세린쌤: I think that with these checkups not only do they help you figure out, like, your physical status, but also I think it mentally makes you realize that I have to take better care. in layman’s terms 쉬운 말로; 누구나 알아들을 수 있는 말로 in plain English 저에게 그걸 좀 쉬운 말로 설명해주실 수 있을까요? Could you explain it to me in layman’s terms? 그 과정은 아주 쉬운 말로 우리에게 설명되었다. The process was explained to us in layman’s terms. 그 .. 2022. 5. 18.
21.05.18.화 Easy Writing 캐주얼 채팅: 다들 하고 있는 주식 투자 I don't want to feel left behind. go bankrupt : 파산하다 (동작 강조) be bankrupt : 이미 (파산한) 상태 우리회사가 파산하지 않기를 정말 바라고 있어 I hope our company doesn't go bankrupt. 우리는 그들이 파산할 걸 알고 있었어 We already knew that they would go bankrupt. We knew that they would go bankrupt. 누가 그들이 파산할 줄 알았겠어? Who would know that they went bankrupt. Who would figure that they would go bankupt. ============================= which 어느;어느 것 slow down 속도를 늦추다 prudently 신.. 2022. 5. 18.
[2021.05.14.Fri][Easy Writing]Serina's Diary: A good teacher brings joy to learn [Introduction by Serina] Serina! What do you have for us today? 내일이 스승의 날이잖아요 I wrote something about teachers. I feel like teachers, really good teachers, played such an important role in my life. [형용사] one [형용사]한 것 나 분홍색으로 된 것 가지고 있어 I have a pink one. 그 노란색으로 된 것은 피터 거야 The yellow ones are Peter's. 나는 날 위해 완벽할 걸 찾았어 I've found a perfect one for me. I've found the perfect one for me. =========.. 2022. 5. 14.
22.05.10.화 Easy Writing 영화: 트루먼 쇼 The Truman Show: 돔 안에 갇힌 불쌍한 남자 A poor man in the dome. have no clue 전혀 모르다; 아무것도 모르다. A: 너 여기가 어딘 줄 알아? Do you know where we are? B: 전혀 모르겠어. I have no clue 그녀는 그들이 그녀를 속이려고 하고 있다는 걸 전혀 모른다. She has no clue that they’re trying to cheat on her. She has no clue that they’re trying to trick her. 난 이 심볼이 무엇을 나타내는지 전혀 모르겠어. I have no clue what this symbol presents. I have no clue what this symbol represents. ** have no clue는 have no idea와 거의 비슷, don’t kn.. 2022. 5. 10.
21.05.10.월 Easy Writing 공지: 소셜 미디어 라이브 방송 It'll be fun as well as informative. curious about [명사]에 대해 궁금해 하는 저는 당신의 의도가 궁금해요. I'm curious about your intention. 난 무엇이 그들에게 벌어졌는지 궁금해 I'm curious about what happened to them. 당신은 그 혜택들이 궁금한가요? Are you curious about the benefits? ============================ KST Korean Standard Time 한국표준시각 effective 효과적인 efficient효율적인 Learning 학습;배움 host 진행자;주최자 personal 개인적인 join함께하다;합류하다 fun 재미있는 funny 웃긴 informative 유익한; 정보가 되는 =============.. 2022. 5. 10.
21.05.07.금 Easy Writing 일기: 마스터유진의 다이어리 Our parents gave birth to us and raised us. What gets me is that [평서문] 날 짜증나게 하는 건 ~ 라는 거야 나를 짜증나게 하는 건 그녀는 절대 먼저 사과하지 않는다는 거야 What gets me is that she never apologizes first. 나를 짜증나게 하는 건 그들이 우리를 공평하게 대하지 않는다는 거야 What gets me is that they don't treat us evenly. What gets me is that they don't treat us fairly. 날 가장 짜증나게 하는 건 그는 항상 자신이 얼마나 부유한지 과시한다 show up는 거야 What gets me most is that he always boasts how rich he is What gets me most is .. 2022. 5. 7.