It's no wonder [평서문] 할 만하다;하는 게 당연하다
세리나의 아이들이 똑똑한 게 놀라운 것도 아니야
It's no wonder that Serina's kids are smart.
It's no wonder Serina's kids are smart.
니 친구들이 너에게 등을 돌리는 게 당연하네
It's no wonder that your friends turn their back to you.
It's no wonder your friends are turning their back on you.
마유가 항상 당신에 대해서 좋은 얘기를 할 만 하네요
It's no wonder Mayu always says good words about you.
It's no wonder Mayu always says good things about you.
20.09.22.화 영국영어 It’s no wonder~ 하는 것도 당연해.
Thanks for tunning in to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Tuesday the 22nd of September. And today is 추분, one of 24 solar terms. After 추분, nights become longer and one can feel the..
tights 타이츠, swelling붓기
circulation 순환
medical 의료용의;의료의
compression 압박
graduated 등급별;등급이 매겨진
FDA approved FDA 승인을 받은
symptom 증상
on one's feet 서서; 서 있는 상태인
그녀는 하루에 10시간을 서서 일해
She works on her feet for 10 hours a day.
She works on her feet for 10 hours a day.
우린 하루 종일 서있었온 상태야
We have been on our feet all day long
We have been on our feet all day long be designed to [동사원형] 설계되어 있다.
이 교재는 글쓰기를 향상시키기 위해 디자인되어 있습니다.
This textbook is designed to improve writings.
This textbook is designed to improve writing.
이 시스템은 비행기를 원격으로 착륙시키기 위해 설계가 되었있습니다
This system is designed for an aircraft to be landed remotely.
This system is diesigned to land the plane remotely.
won't [동사원형] 하지 않을 것이다.
1인칭: 주어의 의지
3인칭: 주어의 의지를 추측
그런 일 something like that은 우리에게는 벌어지지 않을거야
(막연하게 추측하는 느낌)
That kind of thing won't happen to us.
Something like that won't happen to us.
그녀는 그녀의 사무실에 다음 주에 아마 없을 거야
She won't be in her office next week.
She won't be in her office next week.
[Five Golden Sentences]
당신은 하루 종일 서서 일해야하는 직업을 가지고 있나요?
Does your job demand you working on your feet all day long?
Does your job require you to work yon your feet all day long? 순환을 향상시켜 붓기를 줄여주도록 설계된 저희 세리나 타이츠를 신어보세요Please try our Serina tights that are designed to reduce swelling by improving circulation.
Try our Serina tights that are designed to reduce swelling by improving circulation. 꼭 의료인용 압박 양말처럼 저희 등급별 압박 타이츠는 아픈 다리를 진정시켜 줄 겁니다.
Just like medical compression socks, our graduated compression tights will relieve painful legs
Just like medical compression socks, our graduated compression tights will soothe achy legs. 세리나 타이츠가 승무원들의 선택인 것은 당연합니다.
It's no wonder Serina tights are the crew's choice.
It's no wonder Serina tights are the choice of flight attendants. 저희 제품은 FDA승인을 받았거나 의료용 보급품 supplies이 아닙니다.
Our products are not FDA-approved or medical supplements.
Our products are not FDA-approved or medical supplies. 하지정맥류의 증상을 예방하지는 않을 것입니다.
They won't prevent symptoms of 하지정맥류
They won't prevent the symptoms of varicose veins. [Quiz]
이지 라이팅은 영어학습자들의 선택일 만 합니다.
It's no wonder Easy Writing is the choice of English learners.