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EBS Power English22

23..10.14.토 Power English 영어회화 Lab-Grown Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend 인공 다이아몬드, 여자들의 베프 [Keyword] ** lab-grown ; man-made or artificial ** opt; choose something over it ** tell the difference between; look at something and see how things are different. ** make the switch; to change and often it’s something you don’t want to change first and then final I’ll do it. [Article] Lab-Grown Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend As concern over conflict diamond and the environmental damage of m.. 2023. 10. 14.
23.09.07.목 Easy Writing 초대: 집들이에 초대합니다. We Invite You to our Housewarming Party mean a lot to [목적어]에 의미가 크다. means the world to me 나에게 너무나 의미가 크다 당신의 추천 글은 저희에게 아주 의미가 클 거예요. Your recommendation letter will means a lot ot us. Your testimonial would means a lot ot us. 그녀의 참석은 그녀의 학생들에게 의미가 아주 컸어. Her presence meant a lot to her students. 당신의 연설은 그 어린이들에게 의미가 아주 클 거예요. Your speech would mean a lot to the children. ==================== thrilled 흥분된 housewarming party 집들이 파티 pr.. 2023. 9. 7.
23.05.13.토 Power English (영어회화 레벨 3) 연구에 따르면, 마미 브레인은 축하받아야 한다. “Mommy Brain” Should Be Celebrated, Researchers Say. [INTRODUCTION] 크리스틴쌤: I’d like to remind everyone that we have a Power English Book. 카메론 쌤: We do 크리스틴쌤: There are listeners who may not know this, but we do actually have a book. Where can you get this book? 카메론 쌤: You can get it at your local bookstore or you can get it online as well. 크리스틴쌤: Yeah, if you’re listening to us from abroad or another country, there are ebooks available. So, I high.. 2023. 5. 13.
23.04.29.토 Power English 나이가 들수록 시간은 더 빨리 가는가? Does Time Go By Faster as You Get Does Time Go By Faster as You Get Older? 나이가 들수록 시간은 더 빨리 가는가?크리스틴쌤: 영어회화 Level 3 Power English 카메론쌤: Welcome to the Show! 크리스틴쌤: Thank you much for joining us on our last day, here of this month. And we’ve got an article for you today. And I wanted to just get right into it. It starts with the question “Does Time Go by Faster as You Get Older?” What’s your answer? 카메론쌤: I think yes. 크리스틴쌤: but .. 2023. 4. 29.
23.03.25.토 Rollerboard or Roll-Aboard? The Luggage Debate is Finally Settled. 영어회화 레벨 3 Power English Rollerboard or Foll-Aboard? The Luggage Debate is Finally Settled. 크리스틴쌤: There was a time. When there were only two rollers. 카메론쌤: Two rollers? 크리스틴쌤: Two rollers on one piece of luggage. And you’d have to take out the handle. You’d roll it. 카메론쌤: It couldn’t be verticle. You had to drag it. 크리스틴쌤: Now, you’ve got people kind of pushing their luggage around because of those four rollers. And so.. 2023. 3. 25.
23.02.18.토 Power English 친구가 더 많다는 것은 장이 더 건강하다는 것을 의미한다. 크리스틴쌤: Thank you so much for joing us. I’m Christian Cho. 카메론 쌤: I’m Cameron Word 크리스틴쌤: You can also call me 조명희. 카메론 쌤: You can call me 이상준. 크리스틴쌤: 맹희….선희….These are my other names. 카메론 쌤: 명희 is like your legal name. 크리스틴쌤: Yeah. It is my legal name and 선희 is the name that most my relatives and my cousins use 카메론 쌤: A woman with many names? 크리스틴쌤: A woman with many identities. 카메론 쌤: Oh goodne.. 2023. 2. 18.
23.02.04.토 Power English 히트 곡의 길이가 점점 짧아지고 있다. Number-One Songs Are Getting Shorter. Over the past 70 years, number-one hit songs have gotten noticeably shorter. While there will always be longer songs that become popular, the trends for complex 5-minute long balance ballads at the top of the chart might be a thing in the past. The current average length of Number One song is 3 minutes. There was a period when average song length climbed to over 4 minutes, but that number has ag.. 2023. 2. 4.
22.12.03.토 Power English (영어회화 레벨 3) How to Cope with Inflation Stress 인플레이션 스트레스에 대처하는 방법 [Article] How to Cope with Inflation Stress 스트레스에 대처하는 방법 A recent poll showed that 87% of people consider high economic inflation a source of great stress. This anxiety can cause wear and tear on the body and mind. When one suddenly sees their standard of living go down, they experience anxiety and fear. Mental health experts suggest one commonly calmly analyze the fear and step back from a sou.. 2022. 12. 3.