Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Monday the 23rd of November.
Let me start telling you a powerful way to improve your English on this Monday, not thinking about Monday Blues.
Practice every day, make yourself study plan, decided how much time you are going to spend studying, and stick to it.
Very classic, indeed.
And I'm sure you can rock it.
have (사역동사) ~하게 시키다;~ 하게 하다
직역: 너는 그것을 오게 했다. (그것=> 안 좋은 것을 의미)
의역: 너가 자초한 일이야
A: 나 어제밤에 줄넘기를 4시간했어.
I jumped rope for 4 hours last night.
I skipped rope for 4 hours last night.
운동을 지나치게 해서 지금 과민해
I'm so sensitive now because I over-trained.
Now I have irritability due to over-exercising
B: 너가 자초한 일이야.
You had it coming.
You had it coming.
A: 내가 그를 놀렸더니,
I teased him,
I took the mickey out of him
오늘 아침에 그가 날 떠나버렸어.
so he left from me this morning.
so he just left me this morning.
B: 너가 자초한 일인 것 같아
I think you had it coming.
I guess you had it coming.
** mickey out of him 그에게서 미키가 나오도록 하다 -> (영혼이 빠질 정도로) 놀리다;바보로 만들다.
20.12.02.수 He’s taking the mickey out of me. 그는 나를 놀리고 있어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어
Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Today is Wednesday the 2nd of December. One said “I don’t regret the things I’ve done. I regret things I didn’t do when I had the chance.” Listeners! You hav..
[문장 완성 응용 게임]
그가 자초한 일이라는 걸 모두가 알고 있어요
Everyone knew he had it coming.
Everyone knew he had it coming.
안쓰럽긴 하지만,
I feel sorry but,
I do feel sorry for you but,
너가 자초한 일인 것 같아
I think you had it coming.
I'm afraid you had it coming.
그의 아내가 그를 떠난 건 놀랍지도 않아.
It's no wonder his wife left him
I'm not surprised his wife left him
몇년동안 그가 자초해왔던 일이기 때문에
because he had had it coming for years.
because he has had it coming for years.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 나 어젯밤에 줄넘기 4시간했어.
I skipped rope for 4 hours last night.
운동을 지나치게 해서 지금 변화가 있네
Now I had mood changes due to over-exercising.
B: 너가 자초한 일인 것 같애
You know you had it coming.
A: 내가 그를 조금 놀렸더니,
I took him the mickey out of him a bit,
오늘 아침에 그가 나를 떠나버렸어
so he just left me this morning.
B: 너가 자초한 일인 것 같애.
I think you had it coming.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 You had it coming. 네가 자초한 일이야.
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