G: We kept him home for nearly 8 months. He was home for 8 months. And then, he finally returned to school. So he is in a Kindergarten right now.
H: You had to a lot more with him.
G: He did have online classes on certain days. But all it was even more difficult was thtt I had to be with him. And I didn't want to waste the time. I wanna make sure that he was learning something. That time was not being waster and it was no easy task.
[Speaking] Talk about Childcare at Home
It has become tough for many children to go to nursery school because of COVID 19. As a result, lots of moms have turned to caring for their children at home. Sadly, there is a limit to moms' ability play with the kids. Playing in diverse ways in a limited space is a tall order.
Some families get help from private tutors as a solution. The tutors use various tools and content to keep children entertained. Sometimes, they even bring animals like frogs or tadpoles. It's more than enough to spark a child's interest and curiosity.
But nothing can fill the void of being unable to meet with friends. I hope that the COVID 19 crisis will be over with soon so that kids may safely return to their nursery schools.
nursing home 요양원
nursery school 어린이집
tall order 만만치 않은
private tutor 방문교사
content 단수형이어도 복수의 의미
spark 불꽃튀게 하다
spark one's interest 관심을 확~ 끌다.
void 공허 emptiness
meet friends; meet with friends; meet up friends
be over with: (with 완전히) 끝났다
코로나 19로 인해 많은 아이들이 어린이집에 등원하는 것이 힘들어졌습니다. 그래서 많은 엄마들이 가정 보육을 시작하게되었습니다. 안타깝게도 아이들과 하는 엄마표 놀이에는 한계가 있습니다. 한정된 공간 안에서 다양한 놀이를 하는 것이 쉽지 않습니다.
일부 가정에서는 그 대안으로 방문 교사의 도움을 받습니다. 방문교사는 다양한 교구와 콘텐트를 가지고 아이들을 즐겁게 해줍니다. 때로는 개구리나 올챙이 같은 동물을 가지고 오기도 합니다. 아이들의 관심과 호기심을 끌기에 충분합니다.
하지만 또래 친구들을 만날 수 없는 것은 무엇으로도 대체할 수가 없습니다. 하루 빨리 코로나 19가 종식되어서 아이들이 어린이집으로 안전하게 돌아갈 수 있었으면 좋겠습니다.
a tall order 만만치 않은;쉽지 않은
이거 쉬운 일은 아닌데, 그래도 난 할 수 있을 것 같다
This is a tall order but I might be able to do it.
It's a tall order but I think I can do it.
이거 내일까지 마무리하는 건 좀 힘들 것 같은데요
It would be a tall order to complete it by tomorrow.
Finishing it by tomorrow will be a tall order.
spark one's interest 누구의 관심을 끌다
그 노래를 듣고 나는 그 밴드에 관심을 갖게 되었다.
The song sparked my interest in the band.
That song sparked my interst in that band
fill a void; fill the void 빈 자리를 채우다
내가 느낀 빈자리는 무엇으로도 채울 수 없었습니다.
Nothing could fill the void of my feelings
Nothing could fill the void that I felt.
A: Do your kids still spend a lot of time at home?
B: Yes. I'm not sending them off to nursery school yet.
A: How do you usually play with them?
B: I search online a lot for hands-on play ideas by moms
A: I read books out loud with my kids
B: We have a private tutor who visits a couple of times each week
hands-on (회사에서) 실무 경험, 체험놀이
hands-on play ideas by moms 엄마표 체험놀이
1. 힘들이지만, 그는 분명 성공할 수 있을 거야.
It's a tall order, but I am sure he can definitely succeed it.
It's a tall order, but I am certain he can succeed.
2. 그녀가 한 말이 내 관심을 끌었다
What she said sparked my interest.
3. 나는 그 공허함을 채워 줄 취미가 필요하다
I need a hobby to fill the void
4. 그곳에는 체험 놀이를 할 수 있는 기회가 많다.
There are lots of opportunities of hands-on play there.
There are many opportunities there for hands-on play.
5. 나는 매일 밤 아들과 함께 책을 소리내서 읽는다.
I read books out loud with my son every night.
I read books out loud every night with my son.
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