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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.07.09.Fri] 입이 트이는 영어 How I Made Use of '입트영' 내가 입트영을 활용한 방법

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 9.

[Speaking] Talk about How I Made Use of 입트영 to study English.

2 years ago, I missed the cut to become a tour guide interpreter. I failed in the second English interview stage, but last year I passed with flying colors. The biggest difference between 2019 and 2020 was whether I had studied daily with 입트영. I subscribed to the 입트영 monthly textbook for a year. I listened to the program at least twice every day, reading the content out loud. Continuing to follow along for a while softened my accent. To me, 입트영 was like a vitamin, strengthening my immune system for all English speaking tests. The questions for the tour guide interpreter interviews were completely unrelated, but studying for over 2 hours each day with 입트영 had a noticeable effect. I think 입트영 was the best choice I could've made to prepare for interviews or English speaking exams.

2년전에 관광통역안내사 자격시험에 불합격했습니다. 2차 영어 면접에서 떨어졌습니다. 그러나 작년에는 수월하게 합격했습니다. 19년도와 20년의 가장 큰 차이점은 입트영으로 매일마다 공부했는지 입니다. 저는 입트영 월간 교재를 1년 정기구독했습니다. 매일 최소 두번 정도 방송을 듣고, 크게 따라 읽었습니다. 한동안 따라 읽기를 하니깐 억양도 부드러워졌습니다. 저에게 있어서 입트영은 모든 영어 말하기 시험에 면역력을 높여준 비타민 같았습니다. 물론 관광안내통역사 면접 질문은 책에서 봤던 내용들과는 좀 다른 내용이었습니다만 입트영으로 매일 2시간 넘게 공부한 것이 확실히 효과가 있었습니다. 면접이나 영어 말하기 시험을 준비하는데, 입트영이 최고의 선택이었다고 생각합니다.

miss the cut 불합격하다

with flying color 수월하게(쑥) 통과하다
read out loud 크게 따라 읽는다


miss the cut 불합격하다
첫 시도 the first time.에 불합격하더라도 너무 실망하지 마세요
Don’t be so disappointed, even if you missed the cut for the first trial.
Don’t be disappointed, if you missed the cut the first time.
나는 공부를 충분히 안해서 불합격 하고 말았습니다.
I missed the cut because I didn’t study enough.
I missed the cut because I didn’t study enough.

soften one’s accent 억양을 부드럽게 하다
억양은 자연스럽게 하는 가장 좋은 방법은 매일매일 스피킹 연습을 하는 것이다.
Daily speaking practice is the best way to soften your accent.
The best way to soften your accent is to practice speaking everyday.

noticeable effect 확실한 효과
로션을 바르고 일주일이 지나니깐, 확실하게 효과 나타났습니다.
The lotion had a noticeable effect in a week.
The lotion had a noticeable effect after a week.
내가 보기에 새로운 규칙이 확실한 효력이 있었던 것 같지는 않습니다.
I don’t think the new regulation had a noticeable effect.
I don’t think the new rule had a noticeable effect.


A: How did your English improve so much? I’m jealous.

B: I’ve been buckling down for the past 5 months, studying with 입트영

A: Oh! Really? How did you study?

B: I subscribed to the monthly textbook, and listen to each broadcast 3 times

A: Oh. It’s important to repeadly go over the content.

B: I also joined a study group where we learn the day’s text by heart and certify it in videos.
    That was hugely effective.

*buckle up 안전벨트 매다
* buckle down (안전벨트가 채워져서) 꼼짝도 못할
   buckle down 악착같이 ~하다 (고정하다)

1. 나는 불합격했을 때 크게 실망했다
   I was so disappointed when I missed the cut.
   I was really disappointed when I missed the cut.

2. 약을 복용해도 별다른 효과가 없었다
    Taking the medicine didn’t have a noticeable effect.
    The medicine didn’t have a noticeable effect.

