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[2021.07.14.Wed]입이 트이는 영어 Living in Jeju for one Month 제주도 한 달 살기

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 14.

[Speaking] Talk about Living in Jeju for a month

Jeju island is a top tourist destination in Korea. But starting a few years ago, living in Jeju for a month has become a dream for many people. Of course, this can only happen if they quit their job or take a leave of absence. 

I lived in Jeju for a month after leaving my job to relax and give myself a chance to heal. I had visited Jeju a few times before as a tourist, but living there for a month was a different story. It meant becoming a local resident for a while.

I passed the time by hanging around with Jeju locals, enjoying sports, and reading while I took in the ocean view in front of the house. For that leisurely month, I thought about my life and made a lot of memories. 


제주도는 한국의 대표적인 관광지이다. 그런데 몇년 전부터 제주도에서 한달살기가 많은 사람들의 로망이 되었다. 물론 직장생활을 그만두거나 휴직을 해야만 가능한 일이다.

나는 퇴사 후 여유와 힐링의 기회를 갖기 위해 제주도 한달 살기를 했다. 관광객으로서는 제주도에 몇번 가봤지만, 그곳에서 한달살기를 한다는 것은 또 다른 이야기이다. 그건 잠시 현지인이 되는 것을 의미했다. 

제주도민들과 함께 얼루리고, 스포츠도 즐기고, 숙소 앞 바다를 감사하며 책도 읽으면서 시간을 보냈다.  여유로운 한달 동안, 인생에 대한 고민도 하고, 좋은 추억도 많이 만들었다..


tourist destination 관광명소

tourist attraction 관광명소

leave my job 퇴사하다

local resident 현지 주민

local 현지인

I really likeed the locals

hang around with ~와 어울리다

hang out with ~와 어울리다.

take in 감사하다

leisurely 여유로운(형)



take a leave of absence 휴직하다

어머니가 몸이 편찮으셔서 나는 휴직을 해야했다

I had to take a leave of absence because my mother got sick.

I took a leave of absence when my mom got sick.

요즘에는 아빠들도 아이를 낳으면 육아휴직을 많이 한다.

These days, many dads take a leave of absence when their baby is born.

These days, many dads take a leave of absence when they have a kid.

*paternity leave 부성 휴가


give oneself a chance to heal 스스로 힐링할 기회를 주다

부모들은 스스로 힐링할 기회를 챙기는 것이 상당히 어렵다

It's quite hard for parents to give themselves a chance to heal

Parents rarely give themeselves a chance to heal.


take in the ocean view 바다전망을 감상하다

그 까페는 바다전망을 감상하기에 아주 좋은 장소였다

The cafe was just the spot to take in the ocean view.

The cafe is a great place to take in the ocean view.

나는 밤에 바다전망을 내다보다는 좋아한다.

I enjoy taking in the ocean view at night.

I like to take in the ocean veiw late at night.



A: I'm going to Jeju island this weekend.

B: Really? Are you travelling for pleasure?

A: Yeah. A friend of mine is living in Jeju for a month.

B: Oh. That's all the rage these days.

A: That's right. I really want to try it out myself, so I'm going to see what it's like

B: Really? be sure to tell me all about it when you get back.

*Are you travelling for pleasure? 놀러가는 거니?

*Are you travelling for work? 일하러 가는거니? 출장가는 거니?

*all the rage 인기 절정; 대유행

*see what it's like 어떠한지 보다



나는 우울증 치료를 위해 휴직을 했다.

I took a leave of absence to treat my depression.

I took a leave of absence to treat my depression.


나는 특히 겨울에 바다 전망을 감상하는 것을 좋아한다.

I like to take in the ocean view especially in winter.

I especially like to take in the ocean view in the winter.

