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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.07.16.Fri]입이 트이는 영어 Parting with a Companion Animal

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 16.

[Speaking] Talk about parting with a beloved companion animal
I first met our pet dog Lina in May, four years ago. Our family adopted Lina when she'd just turned 10 through a home care program for retired guide dogs. She was our first companion dog but we had to part ways less than 4 years after we first met.
I knew what was coming, since the average of life expectancy for Labrador retrievers is just 12 to 14 years. But I didn't know the day would come so soon. Lina ate well, and went for a walk, even until the day before she left us.
I'll never forget the look in Lena's eyes when she stared at me from the door as my wife took her for a walk the night before. I was filled with guilty that I didn't join her for her last walk. I only hope that Lina's four years with us were a happy time for her and that she rests in peace in doggy heaven.
반려견 리나를 처음 만나건 4년전 5월 이었습니다. 우리가족은 은퇴한 안내견을 위한 입양 프로그램을 통해서 이제 막 10살이 된 리나를 입양하게 되었습니다. 리나는 우리가 함께한 첫 반려견이었습니다. 그러나 만난지 4년도 채 되지 못해서 보내줘야 했습니다.
래브라도리트리버는 평균수명이 12~14년이라서 예견하고 있었습니다. 그러나 그 날이 이렇게 빨리 올 줄은 몰랐습니다. 리나는 떠나기 전날 까지도 밥도 잘 먹고 산책도 잘 했습니다. 떠나기 전날 밤, 아내가 산책을 시키러 나갈 때, 리나가 문앞에서 저를 빤히 바라보던 그 눈빛을 잊을 수가 없습니다. 마지막 산책을 함께하지 못했다는 죄책감을 떨쳐내기 힘듭니다. 우리와 함께한 4년이 리나에게 행복한 시간이었길 바라고, 천국에서 편하게 쉬기를 기도합니다.

part ways 제각각 길을 가다;이별하다
the look in one's eye ~ 의 눈빛

know what is coming 어떤 일이 일어날지 알고 있다.
아무도 말을 안 했지만, 우리는 모두 어떤 일이 일어날지 알고 있었다
No one said naything but we all knew what was coming.
Nobody said anything but we all knew what was coming.

the look in someone's eye~의 눈빛
그 친구 눈빛을 보니깐, 거짓말 하고 있다는 것을 내가 알 수 었다.
The look in his eyes indicated to me that he was lying.
I knew from the look in his eyes that he was laying.

be filled with guilty 죄책감이 (많이) 들다.
어떤 일이 있었는지 듣고 나는 죄책감이 들었다
I was filled with guilty after hearing what happened.
I was filled with guilty when I heard what happened.

A: My parents’ pet dog crossed the rainbow bridge.
B: Oh no. They must be devastated.
A: Yeah. They’re so sad that they keep breaking into tears.
B: I guess they’ll have an empty feeling for a while.
A: That’s right. I‘m thinking about helping them adopt a new dog.
B: That could be a good idea.
* devastated 억장이 무너진

나는 어떤 일이 벌어질지 알고 있었지만, 어찌할 방법이 없었다.
I knew what was coming, but there was no way to get around of it.
I knew what was coming, there was nothing I could do.

나는 이 장면을 볼 때마다 울음을 터트린다.
I break into tears every time I watch this scene.
I break into tears whenever I watch this scene.

