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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.07.20.Tue]입이 트이는 영어 Bookstore 서점

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 20.

[Speaking] Talk about that kind of work done in bookstores
I work at a medium-sized bookstore located in front of a school. We get a lot of business and are busiest in March and September at the start of a new school term. Our bookstore stocks national textbooks for elementary school, so we get a lot of inquires about textbooks. We also have a lot of customers looking for supplementary material for middle and high school, as well as after-school exercise books.
In the mornings I usually take stock of delivered books and organize them. In the afternoons, I pick up exercise books from my suppliers and organize them. I also send texts to customers if we have taken delivery of books that they reserve.
We have started offering some books at a discount of 10%. For exercise books, we issue membership numbers and offer reward points rather than discounts.

저는 학교 앞에 위치한 중형서점에 근무하고 있습니다. 주로 신학기가 시작하는 3월과 9월에 손님이 가장 많고 분주합니다. 저희 서점은 초등 국정교과서를 갖추고 있어서, 교과서를 찾는 문의가 많습니다. 그 밖에도 중고등학교 부교재나 방과후 문제집을 찾는 고객들도 많습니다.
오전에는 주로 배송된 책들의 입고를 확인하고 정리합니다. 오후에는 거래처에서 문제집을 가져와서 정리합니다. 그리고 예약된 책이 입고되었으면, 고객들에게 문자도 보냅니다.
저희 서점은 일부 단행본에 한해서 10% 할인을 하기 시작했습니다. 문제집은 할인 대신에 회원번호를 발급하여 포인트를 적립해드리고 있습니다.

get a lot of business 분주하다
national textbook 국정교과서
stock 재고;주식;재고로 쌓아두다
supplementary material 부교재
exercise books 문제집
take stock of 확인하고 정리하다
taken delivery 배달을 받았다.
issue 쟁점;발급하다; 발령하다(issue a warning)

get a lot of business 바쁘다; 손님이 많이 오다
해변가의 상점들은 여름철에 손님이 많아 붐빈다.
Shops along the beach get a lot of business in the summer.
Stores near beaches get a lot of business in the summers.

take stock of 재고/입고를 확인하다
주방에 있는 재료가 뭐가 있는지 확인했다
I took stock of the ingredients in the kitchen.
I took stock of the ingredients in the kitchen.
우리는 매주 월요일에 매장내 재고를 확인한다
We take stock of items in the store every Monday.
We take stock of items in our store every Monday.

at a discount of 할인된 가격으로 제공한다
나는 할인된 가격으로 구입할 수 있을 때까지 좀 기다리고 싶다.
I'd like to wait until I can buy it at a discount price.
I want to wait until I can get it at a discount.

A: Do you have this book on this screen?
B: Just a sec. We don't have it in stock at our store right now.
A: Is there any way I can get my hands on it?
B: Let me check if one of our suppliers has it.
A: Thank you.
B: If they don't have it, we'll have to put in an order again. That could take a while.
*get my hands on [sth] (구하기 어려운 걸)손에 넣다
*put in an order 주문하다

우리 매장은 아침에는 손님이 많지 않다.
Our store doesn't get a lot of business in the morning.
Our store doesn't get a lot of business in the morning.

나는 연료통에 연료가 얼마나 남이있는지 확인하는 것을 깜빡 잊었다
I forgot taking stock of how much fuel was left in the fuel container.
I forgot to take stock of how much fuel was left in the tank.

나는 재킷을 할인된 가격으로 구매했다.
I bought the jacket at a discount.
I got the jacket at a discount.

매장에 그 제품의 재고가 있는 경우는 드물다.
The store rarely has the item in stock.
The store rarely has that item in stock.

그들은 따로 주문을 넣어야 했다.
They had to put in an order separately.
They had to put in an order separately.

