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EBS 입이 트이는 영어

[2021.07.26.Mon] 입이 트이는 영어 Haeundae 해운대

by Namaskara 2021. 7. 26.

[Speaking] Talk about Busan's Haeundae Area
There is a new tourist hotspot that is the spotlight in Busan's Haeundae these days. An abandoned railroad has been given a makeover. It has been reborn as a walking trail and a "green railway."
A coastal train runs in the tracks below. A small, adorable car called "sky capsule" runs above that. If you pass along the rails around sunset, you can see the ocean glimmering in gold. It really is a fantastic sight.
There is also a fine walking trail next to the rails . Many people walk there for the exercise. You can visit pretty cafes during your walk and rest your feet as you have a drink. I hope that everyone who visits Busan's Haeundae will stop by here and take in the ocean view and make memories.
최근 부산 해운대에 새롭게 각광을 받고 있는 관광명소가 하나 생겼다. 폐선로가 새단장 되어서 산책로와 Green Railway로 재탄생되었다.
아래의 선로에는 해변 열차가 달리고 그 위로는 스카이 캡슐이라고 불리는 앙증맞은 작은 차가 다닌다. 해질 녁에 이 레일 위를 지나면, 황금빛으로 물든 바다를 볼 수 있습니다. 정말 환상적인 관경이다.
또한 선로 옆으로 좋은 산책로도 있어서 많은 사람들이 운동삼아서 걷는다. 걷다가 예쁜 까페에 방문해서 음료를 마시면서 쉴 수도 있습니다. 부산 해운대를 방문하는 분들은 이곳에 들러서 해안절경을 만끽하고 추억을 만들어가길 바랍니다.

take in 감상하다;만끽하다
make memories 추억을 쌓다
stop by (잠깐이라도) 들리다
for the exerciese 운동 삼아서
glimmer; 은은하게 빛나는 shine & light but not bright light
glimmering in gold 황금빛
adorable 앙증맞은(많이 귀여운)
makeover 새단장하다
walking trail 산책로
hiking trail 등산로
be in the spotlight 각광받다

hotspot 관광명서;인기장소
서울에는 수많은 관광명소들이 있습니다.
There are a countless number of tourist hotspots in Seoul.
Seoul has many tourist hotspots.
난 거기 가기 전에 주요 관광명소들을 좀 조사해봤다
I researched several major tourist hotspots before I visited there.
I researched the major tourist hotspots before I went.

be given a makeover 새단장하다;탈바꿈하다
그가 모습을 완전히 바꾸고 나서 나는 그를 알아보지 못했다.
I didn't recognize him after he was given a makeover.
After he was given a makeover, I couldn't recognize him.
나는 완전히 바꾸고 싶다.
I need a makeover.

for the exercise 운동삼아
나는 운동삼아 계단으로 다녀요
I take the stair for the exercise.
I take the stairs for the exercise.
가끔씩은 운동을 하기 위해서 걸어서 출근합니다.
I occasionally walk to work for the exericse.
Sometimes, I walk to work just for the exercise.

A: Have you been on the coastal train that passes by the Haeundae beach?
B: Of course. It was really great.
A: Yeah. The sunset is such a fantastic sight.
B: I often go for a walk on the walking trail there at night
A: Oh, You get your steps in there.
B: That's right. I really feel refreshed after I take a walk.
*get one's steps in 발걸음을 채우다;운동하다
*feel refreshed 상쾌하다

낡은 공장이 세련된 음식점으로 새단장되었다.
An old factory was given a makeover to a fancy restaurant.
The old factory has been given a makeover as a stylish restaurant.

오늘은 너무 바빠서 목표한 걷기 운동을 하지 못했다.
I was too busy to get my steps in today.
I was too busy to get my steps in today.

