Today is Wednesday, the 2nd of June.
Happy hump day!
Now listeners! Please sit up straight now, right now.
Feeling up right and tall can bring to your mood and confidence boost.
That is so true. So sit up high and be pride of yourself.

mend: (문제/불화)해결하다, 보수하다;수리하다
on the mend (질병, 곤경에서) 회복 중이다.
A: 나 몸살 났었는데, 지금은 회복중이에요
I had an ache all over the body but I am on the mend now.
I ached all over, but I am on the mend now.
내가 괜찮다고 모두에게 DM을 보내줘
Please send DM to everyone, saying I am fine.
Please send DMs to everyone that I am fine.
B: 아~ 유난 좀 그만 떨어
Stop being such a drama queen.
a drama queen 유난떠는/과장하는 사람
A: 그의 감기는 지독terrible했는데요 지금은 회복 중입니다.
He had a quite serious cold, but he is on the mend now.
His cold was terrible but he is one the mend now.
B: 그가 정말 아픈건가요? 아니면 아픈 척 하는 건가요?
Is he really sick? or pretending to be sick?
Is he really sick? or is he pretending to be sick?
[Step by Step]
내가 회의에 못가서 모두들 내가 회복 중이라고 생각해.Because I can't make it to the meeting, everyone thinks I am on the mend
I missed the conference, so everyone thinks I am on the mend.
그는 독감에 걸렸지만, 이번 달에 다시 근무 rejoin the workforce하기 위해 회복하는 중이야
He has an flu but he is on the mend to get back to work this month
He has had an flu but he is on the mend to rejoin the workforce this moth.
내가 좀 형편없어 terrible 보이긴 하지만 이제 좀 회복하는 것 같아요
Although I look poor, I feel like I am on the mend now.
Although I still look terrible, I feel like I am on the mend now.
간호사들의 따뜻한 환대 덕분에 그는 충분히 회복 되고 있었어
Thanks to warm hospitality from the nurses, he was on the mend enough
Thanks to the hot warming hospitality by the nurses, he was sufficiently on the mend
[Speak like a Brit]
A: 나 몸살 났었는데, 지금은 회복 중이야.
I ached all over but I am on the mend now.
내가 괜찮다고 모두에게 특별카드를 보내줘
Please send a special card to everyone that I am fine
B: 유난 좀 떨지 마
Don't be such a drama queen.
A: 그는 감기 때문에 고생했는데, 지금은 회복 중이야
He suffered from a cold, but he is on the mend now.
B: 그런데 그가 정말 아픈건가요?
By the way, is he really sick?
아니면 그냥 아픈 척 하는 건가요?
or is he ust pretending to be sick?
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