Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어.
Today is Tuesday. the 19th of October.
Well, Listeners! Try hard every day. Then you’d know what will happen to you.
I’ll tell you what. You’ll be a master one day.
오늘 친구에게 너가 잘 못 본거야 할 때, 쓸 수 있는 표현은?
직역: 그것은 그것이 보여지는 것이 아니야
의역: 보이는 게 다 가 아니아; 그건 오해야
상황: 무슨 말을 해도 변명이 되는 상황
A: 얼굴에 피나는 것 같은데, 알고 있어요?You look bleeding on your face. You know?
Do you know your face is bleeding?
길가에 차를 좀 세워주세요
Please pull over your car on the side.
Please pull over the car.
B: 오해예요.
It’s not what it looks like,
It’s not what it looks like,
아기가 제 얼굴에 딸기 쨈을 문지른 게 예요 Just my baby was pasting strawberryjam on my face
My baby boy rubbed strawberryjam on my face.
A: 그럼 일주일 140시간 일해야 한다는 말씀이세요?
Well, are you saying I have to work for 140 hours a week?
So, you mean I’ve got to work 140 hours a week?
B: 오해예요.
It’s not what it looks like.
It’s not what it looks like.
새벽 5시에서 6시 사이에는 휴식시간이에요It’s a breaktime between 5 am and 6 am.
You have some breaktime between 5 am and 6 am.
[Step by Step]
제발, 그건 오해야.
Please, it’s not what it looks like.
Come on, it’s not what it looks like,
내말을 좀 들어줘
Please listen to me.
Please listen to me.
미안. 그건 오해니깐
Sorry. It’s not what it looks like.
I’m sorry. It’s not what it looks like.
걱정 안해도 돼
So you needn’t worry.
So You needn’t worry.
나도 실망했지만,
I was disappointed, too,
I was disappointed, too,
분명히 짚고 넘어가자
but let me clearly say something.
but let me get this straight.
그건 오해야
It’s not what it looks like.
It’s not what it looks like.
너가 오해받은 이야기 중 최고가 뭐야?
What is your best of the stroies that aren’t what they looked like?
What is your best it’s not what it looks like story?
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 손에 피나는 거 알고 있어요?
Do you know your hand is bleeding?
길가에 차를 세워주세요
Please pull over the car
B: 그건 오해예요.
It’s not what it looks like.
아기가 제 손을 딸기잼을 문지른 거예요
My baby boy rubbed strawberry jam on my hand.
A: 그럼 한달에 300 시간 일해야 한다는 말씀이세요?
So, you mean I’ve got to work 300 hours a month?
B: 오해예요.
It’s not what it looks like.
일끝나고 휴식시간 있어요
You have some breaktime after work.
pull over
=> to stop the car at the side of the road
=> 길가에 차를 세우다
예) He told me to pull over.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It’s not what it looks like. 그건 오해야.
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