Today is Friday the 17th of November.
Listeners! Wasting time is the main obstacle between you and a good life.
Don’t do that!
Don’t waste your time today and spend valuable time with me for 20 minutes.
You can do that!
오늘 살이 좀 붙었을때??
** put on (무엇에) 얹어놓다;옷을 입다.
** put on pounds 살을 얹어 놓다 => 살이 찌다
** gain weight = put on weight = put on pounds
A: 나 영국 이틀 있고 나서, 살이 좀 쪘어.
I put on a couple of pounds since I have been in English for 2 days.
I put on a couple of pounds after 2 days in English
나 향수병 앓고 있나바.I think I’m feeling a homesick.
Am I feeling homesick?
B: 아니 정 반대야.
No. It’s opposite.
No, quite the opposite.
하루 종일 all day long 블랙 푸딩 먹고 있었잖아.
You’ve been eating black puddings all day.
You were eating back pudding all day long.
A: 너가 소식하는 건 아는데,
I know you eat like a bird,
I know you eat like a bird,
이 거 먹어봐.
but get your laughing gear around this.
but try this.
넌 너무 말랐어.
You’re so skinny.
You’re too skinny.
B: 내가 살이 좀 찔 필요는 있지만,
I need to put on a couple of pounds,
I need to put on a couple of pounds,
이건 전부 내가 싫어하는 채소잖아.
but these are all the vegetable that I don’t like.
but these are all veggies that I dislike.
** 채소 veggie = veggy(영)
[Try it Now]
나 영국에 이틀 있고 나서 살이 좀 쪘어.
I put on a couple of pounds after 2 days in England.
내가 불안을 느끼고 있나?
Am I feeling anxiety?
내가 살이 좀 찔 필요는 있지만,
I need to put on a couple pounds,
이건 전부 내가 싫어하는 과일이잖아.
but these are all fruits that I dislike.
[Step by Step]
내가 주말 동안 over 살이 좀 찐 거 알아.
I know I put on a couple of pounds during a weekend.
I know I put on a couple of pounds over the weekend.
많은 사람들이 ( )고 제안해
Many suggest
Many suggest
(그는 살이 좀 쪄야한다)
that he’s got to put on a couple of pounds.
that he should put on a couple of pounds.
넌 살을 좀 찌울 수 있 을거야 should
You will be able to put on a couple of pounds.
You should be able to put on a couple of pounds.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 나 영국에 이틀있고 나서 살이 좀 쪘어.
I put on a couple of pounds after 2 days in England.
나 우울한가?
Am I feeling depressed?
B: 아니, 정반대.
No, quite the opposite.
너 일전에 the other day 블랙푸딩 먹고 있었잖아.
You were eating black pudding the other day.
A: 너가 소식하는 거 아는데, 이거 좀 먹어봐.
I know you eat like a bird, but try this some more.
넌 너무 말랐어.
You are too skinny.
B: 내가 살이 좀 찔 필요는 있지만,
I need to put on a couple of pounds,
이건 전부 내가 싫어하는 채소잖아.
but these are all veggies that I hate.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 I put on a couple of pounds. 나 살이 좀 쪘어.
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