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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.12.17.금 I put on a couple of pounds. 나 살이 좀 쪘어. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 17.

Today is Friday the 17th of November.
Listeners! Wasting time is the main obstacle between you and a good life.
Don’t do that!
Don’t waste your time today and spend valuable time with me for 20 minutes.
You can do that!
오늘 살이 좀 붙었을때??

** put on (무엇에) 얹어놓다;옷을 입다.
** put on pounds 살을 얹어 놓다 => 살이 찌다
** gain weight = put on weight = put on pounds

A: 나 영국 이틀 있고 나서, 살이 좀 쪘어.
I put on a couple of pounds since I have been in English for 2 days.
I put on a couple of pounds after 2 days in English
나 향수병 앓고 있나바.
I think I’m feeling a homesick.
Am I feeling homesick?
B: 아니 정 반대야.
No. It’s opposite.
No, quite the opposite.
하루 종일 all day long 블랙 푸딩 먹고 있었잖아.
You’ve been eating black puddings all day.
You were eating back pudding all day long.

A: 너가 소식하는 건 아는데,
I know you eat like a bird,
I know you eat like a bird,
이 거 먹어봐.
but get your laughing gear around this.
but try this.
넌 너무 말랐어.
You’re so skinny.
You’re too skinny.
B: 내가 살이 좀 찔 필요는 있지만,
I need to put on a couple of pounds,
I need to put on a couple of pounds,
이건 전부 내가 싫어하는 채소잖아.
but these are all the vegetable that I don’t like.
but these are all veggies that I dislike.

** 채소 veggie = veggy(영)

[Try it Now]
나 영국에 이틀 있고 나서 살이 좀 쪘어.
I put on a couple of pounds after 2 days in England.
내가 불안을 느끼고 있나?
Am I feeling anxiety?

내가 살이 좀 찔 필요는 있지만,
I need to put on a couple pounds,
이건 전부 내가 싫어하는 과일이잖아.
but these are all fruits that I dislike.

[Step by Step]
내가 주말 동안 over 살이 좀 찐 거 알아.
I know I put on a couple of pounds during a weekend.
I know I put on a couple of pounds over the weekend.

많은 사람들이 ( )고 제안해
Many suggest
Many suggest
(그는 살이 좀 쪄야한다)
that he’s got to put on a couple of pounds.
that he should put on a couple of pounds.

넌 살을 좀 찌울 수 있 을거야 should
You will be able to put on a couple of pounds.
You should be able to put on a couple of pounds.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 나 영국에 이틀있고 나서 살이 좀 쪘어.
I put on a couple of pounds after 2 days in England.
나 우울한가?
Am I feeling depressed?
B: 아니, 정반대.
No, quite the opposite.
일전에 the other day 블랙푸딩 먹고 있었잖아.
You were eating black pudding the other day.

A: 너가 소식하는 거 아는데, 이거 좀 먹어봐.
I know you eat like a bird, but try this some more.
넌 너무 말랐어.
You are too skinny.
B: 내가 살이 좀 찔 필요는 있지만,
I need to put on a couple of pounds,
이건 전부 내가 싫어하는 채소잖아.
but these are all veggies that I hate.

21.11.09.화 She eats like a bird. 그녀는 소식을 해. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어. Today is Tuesday the 9th of November. Listeners! Did you burn the midnight oil last night? Then, I'm sure you're exhausted. But a lovely day is ready for you. I s..


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