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2021 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

21.12.22.수 It will come in handy. 쓸모 있을 거야. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

by Namaskara 2022. 12. 22.

Today is Wednesday the 22nd of December.
Well, effective studying starts with right attitude.
I mean positive thoughts.
If you are positive, you’ll see great opportunities, instead of obstacles.
Keep that in mind and let’s get started.
오늘 친구에게 유용할거야 라고 말할 때?

** handy 유용한, 편리한, 가까운 곳/바로 쓸 수있는 곳에 있는
** come in handy 쓸모있다;유용하다;편리하다

A: 이 효자손을 왔다갔다 움직이기만 하면 돼요.
All you have to do is move this 효자손 back and forth.
All you have to do is move this back scratcher back and forth.
쓸모 있을거예요
It’ill come in handy.
It’ll come in handy
B: 고마운데,
Thank you,
이게 날 감동시킬거라고 생각하니?
but do you think this is blowing my mind?
but do you think this will blow me away?
** blow [someone] away 감동시키다; 놀라게 하다; 깊은 인상을 남기다

20.11.18.수 It blows me away. 그건 나를 감동시켜. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

You are listening to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS Radio. Today is Wednesday, the 18th of November. Happy hump day. Effective studying starts with the right attitude. A positive outlook can shift s..


A: 이 대걸레 슬리퍼는 쓸모 있을 거야.
These mop slippers will come in handy.
These mop slippers will come in handy.
( ), 발을 편하게 유지할 수 있어
You can keep your feet comfortable.
You’re able to keep your feet comfy.
(바닥을 청소하면서)
while cleaning the floor.
while cleaning the floors.
B: 야, 이거 봐라! 돈 낭비하지 마!
Lo and behold! Money doesn’t grow on trees.
Lo and behold! Money doesn’t grow on trees.

21.10.15.금 영국영어 Lo and behold! 야, 이거 봐라!

Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio. Today is Friday the 15th of October. Well, these days many use social media every single day or I should say every hour. I understand it’s very impo..


[Try it Now]
이 효자손은 위아래로 움직이만 하면 돼요.
All you have to do is move this back scratcher up and down.
쓸모 있을 거예요
It’ll come in handy.

이 대걸레 슬리퍼는 쓸모 있을 거야.
These mop slippers will come in handy.
바닥을 청소하면서, 발을 포근하게 유지할 수 있어
You’ll able to keep your feet cozy, while cleaning the floors.

[Step by Step]
언젠가는 진짜 쓸모 있을거야.
It will really come in handy some day.
It will really come in handy one day.

이 돈은 ( )분명 유용할거야.
This money will certainly come in handy
This money will definitely come in handy
(너가 졸업할 때)
when you graduate.
when you graduate.

너 스카프가 정말 유용했어.
Your scarf really came in handy.
Your scarf really came in handy.

[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 그냥 이 효자손을 왔다갔다 움직이기만 하면 돼요.
All you have to do is just move this back scratcher back and forth.
쓸모 있을 겁니다.
It’ll come in handy.
B: 고마운데, 이게 유용할거라고 생각하니?
Thank you, but do you think this will be useful?

A: 이 대걸레 슬리퍼는 유용할거야.
These mop slippers will come in handy.
바닥을 청소하면서, 발을 깨끗하게 유지할 수 있어.
You’re able to keep your feet clean, while cleaning the floors.
B: 야! 이거봐라. 정말 돈 낭비하지마.
Lo and behold. Money really doens’t grow on trees.

21.06.24.목 Money doesn't grow on trees. 돈 낭비하지 마. 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어

Today is Thursday, the 24th of June. Well, Here are some tips for finding ways to have fun while studying. First, listen to good shows. Second, try roleplay and turn it into a game with others. 돈..


[어휘 소화하기]
** back and forth (앞 뒤로) 왔다갔다; 오락가락 moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one.
예) The people swayed back and forth with arms linked. 그 사람들은 팔짱을 낀 채 앞 뒤로 흔들었어.

출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 It will come in handy. 쓸모 있을 거야.

