Welcome to 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 on EBS radio.
Today is Tuesday the 8th of February.
Better later than never.
Well, it is best to do something late than not to do it at all.
You’ve just tuned in to the program.
Time for you to speak English with me at this very moment.
강한 부정을 할 때?
** 직역: 너의 생존에는 안 돼 => 아주 강한 부정/거절의 표현
** not on your nelly = not on your life = absolutely not = no way
A: 오늘 배송받을 수 있을까요?
Can I get it delivered today?
Can I get my delivery today?
이번 주 입어야 하거든요.
I need to wear it this week.
I need to wear them this week.
B: 절대 안돼요.
Not on your life.
Not on your life.
이것을 고객님께 배송할 것인지 아직 고민중입니다.
We’re still considering if this will be delivered to you.
We’re still debating whether we deliver these to you.
** delivery 배달; 배달 물건; 출산 분만
** debate 논의하다; 토론하다; 논쟁하다 = discuss; 고민하다; 곰곰히 생각하다.
A: 여자친구에게 너 쌍꺼풀이 없다고 말할거냐?
Are you going to tell your girlfriend that you don’t have double eye lid?
Are you going to tell your girlfriend that you don’t have double eye lids?
B: 절대 안 돼.
Not on your life.
Not on your life.
그녀는 내 눈이 매력적이라고 생각해.
She thinks my eyes are attractive.
She thinks my eyes are attractive.
** 홀꺼풀 single eye lid
** 쌍꺼풀 double eye lids
[Try it Now]
절대 안 됩니다.
Not on your life.
이것을 고객님께 배송할 것인지 아직 고민 중이에요.
We are still considering whether we deliver these to you.
절대 안 돼.
Not on your life.
그녀는 내 눈이 독특하다고 생각해.
She thinks my eyes are peculiar unique.
[Step By Step]
A: 당신 딸을 만나도 될까요?
Can I meet your daughter?
저는 그녀를 사랑해요.
I love her.
I’m in love with her.
B: 절대 안 돼요.
Not on your life.
A: 이러한 정책들이 일자리를 잃은 사람들에게 도움이 될거라고 생각해요?
Do you think thses policies are helpful for the jobless people?
Do you think these policies will help people who have lost their jobs?
B: 절대 안돼요.
Not on your life.
A: 피아노 옮기는 거 좀 도와줄래요?
Can you help me move my piano?
B: 절대 안 돼.
Not on your life.
[Speak Like a Brit]
A: 오늘 배송받을 수 있을까요?
Can I get my delivery today?
회의에 입고 가야 해요.
I need to wear them for a meeting.
B: 절대 안 됩니다.
Not on your life.
이것을 고객님께 판매할 것인지 아직 고민 중이에요.
We’re still debating whether we sell these to you.
A: 후원자들에게 너 쌍꺼풀이 없다고 말할거야?
Are you going to tell your sponsors that you don’t have double eye lids?
B: 절대 안 돼.
Not on your life.
그들은 내 눈이 매력적이라고 생각하거든.
They think my eyes are attractive.
출처 EBS 오디오 어학당 5dang.ebs.co.kr 권주현의 진짜 영국 영어 Not on your life. 절대 안 돼.
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